Criminal Now!!!
The Hardyz!!! Been there! Done that! Wanna do it again!
Jack Sparrow, Tim Burton, Willy Wonka, Delirious, Raven, ASP (mal so nen kleinen Plausch halten oder so), Steve, Herrn Henke, The Prince of Punk, the CookieMonster, Andy LaPlegua, Chris Hero... no wait... already met him, Quack... does it count when I saw him live? Yepp, I declare that as meet. It was close enough. wXw...All I need now is an autograph, okay, no autograph until now but a handshake... that's better :D, ........ and everybody else!!!
Why? ....Why not?
I enjoy to meet strangers so they are no strangers anymore!
And btw if you have me as a friend you have a REAL friend! Not one of those who is smiling at you and talking shit behind you. I'm more straight. I'm one of those who look at you saying 'Wow you look like shit! What happened? Need someone to talk or to help?'
And if you don't like it, hey then you're not worth to be my friend.
Try to change me and I'll kick your ass!!!