whateverlife.com nAme ---- •·. BriTtn3y .·• aka BMC
skOOl---- UniiverSity oF CalifOrniiA RiveRsiide
oCCupaTion ---- on thEE griiNd.
sTatuS ----- OFF of thEE MARket
AssOCiateS ---- haVE TRILLIONS oF em. . .
UNCONDITIONAL bEsT fRiieNd ----- jUliSSa pRadO!
mY faMiLy ---- 2 flY siistErs, 1 craZy brOther, anD thEE BEST brOthErs iiN lAws...lol.
sCreeNnamE --- wHO DOESN'T haVe oNE... ASK and u miight be worthy of receiving it
iNfatUatiOns ---- thE piAno, spArkLie tHiiNgs, my siiDekiiCk, anD jaY-Z (let's go HOv)
mY edUcatiON --- iM a GENIUS wiTh aN unMeasuraBle amOunt oF INteLLigeNCe. ApplIcatioN oF mY thoUGhts = taKIng oVEr oF tHE WORLD. cuRREntLY focUSiNg oN takINg oVer tHe coLLEgE thiNg fiRst :]
mY liFE ---- tHe liMitatIOns tHAt laNguaGE hAVe beStOweD upOn uS pRevenT mE frOM traNslaTinG thE comPLexxiTieS of "mY liFE" . . . iM liivINg thOUgH ♦ in SOMEBODY'S reaLity ♦
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [eXeunT.] ♥