Hot-J-Lo profile picture


Its all about Me

About Me

So all about me yup thats right.I am 21 and have the best boyfriend ever, yup thats right he made mee say that hahaha j/k I love my bubba.I am just working her in the 559 and when I am not working i am chillin in my new house with mytwo monsters or what you would like to call them my dogs. I like to work and play.If you didnt work then you wouldn't have no play will that is in the real world i mean, well i guess not in davids case you luck bastered.

My Interests

I just kick back living my life to its fullest. what ever comes my way i am ready to take it on

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people who like to have fun. People who are full of life and always go for their goals......uuummmmmm......... Really I just want to meet all kinds of different people. I have many many friends and they are all different in their own special ways..I wouldn't mind meeting my frog so I can give him a big ol' kiss and turn him into a prince...


I love it all. It just depends on what my mod is at the time. To cut my list short my favs are house, trance, rap, free style, and R&B.


My fav movie is the one and only COYOTE UGLY as they say (Tonight, they're calling the shots.


THE O.C. is the only show i watch and it should be the only one you watch too.


Haven't found that perfect one!


My grandparents have shown me the way.....

My Blog

My b-day

Help Help my b-day is coming up its on Aug. 11 and I am going to be the big 21. This is a special moment in a persons life and I dont know what to do!! I am totally clueless.......maybe a big pool par...
Posted by Hot-J-Lo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

puppy ZiGGy

help help help I think my puppy is sick. He has droopy eyes a running nose and sleeps all day long. I think he has a cold or he is a pot head you little bastard you.
Posted by Hot-J-Lo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST