Mitch C. profile picture

Mitch C.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am married to my beautiful wife! I have three awesome kids!. I love adventure, change, and the beach! I love to travel...San Diego, LA, lots of fun! Chicago and NY are two of my favorites! I love to people is very entertaining! I love reeses cups...eating peanut butter on a spoon with a cold glass of milk! I love to play "tickle monster" with my kids and take them to the park! I love to go out with my wife and get a cup of coffee. Camping and hiking is a blast with her.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

Of course my family! I love hanging out with my wife and kids! dreaming up ideas and seeing them through. church and ministry! Football-Especially those GATORS!, Playing music/drums, working out, camping, hiking,hanging with the boys at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wed. nites

I'd like to meet:

Bill O'reilly, The President, my daughter's future husband!


Pillar, Skillet, Building 429,Switchfoot,Casting Crowns, Jeremy Camp,Audio Adrenaline) Worship- (Passion- Crowder, Tomlin, Hall, Redman) U2, 311, Dave Matthews,Maroon 5, 80's/90's rock


Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, Spiderman, Indiana Jones, Pearl Harbor, SAW, SAW II, Christmas Vacation, Home Alone


24! Prison Break, Unit, Amazing Race, CSI, college football & college basketball


Now, Discover your strengths. Wild at Heart, Fresh Wind Fresh Fire, 12 Leadership Principles of Dean Smith, Love and Respect, Cure for the Common Life. The Bible is always a good one!


DAD, Grandpa, Coach A,