mah dude til death- Redentor Linzoklmsdf;lk msng;lk april 29
your mom
rAP.rock. favband=dirty heads.Sini-Gang The Sleeping ChronicFuture Jay-z HORSEtheband StylesOfBeyond JediMindTricks Dre Jurassic5 atmosphere BlueScholars Manifest Lyricks Traphik SavesTheDay Nas JL JuelzSantana Tupac The Beatles MicBoyd SeanPrice KillahInstinct LupeFiasco ParokyaNiEdgar PeopleUnderTheStairs lightheaded TemptationOfSaintAnthony Everest theSoundOfAnimalsFighting acdc Siberian Bayside Sherwood TAKE RiversDivided ControllingTheFamous d-sisive Goldfinger BadReligion timemachine FoxyShazam StoryoftheYear NativeGuns Gloc-9 WangtheEmcee J-Bru JRWriter HandfulofTrees MinustheBear Newman TWILAREID JeepneyMusic BlackEyedPeas Afallacy HollisHurst Estairy NotoriousMSG GhettoRevival Andrew E. Bonestorm DigablePlanets SlightlyStoopid TheSleepingRevolt TheCrest Saosin DLINCOGNITO JayBizzy TheRomantics BreezEvahFlowin DeafInTheFamily VintageBlack Just B TheCURRENT JackCracker Macklemore Grieves RyanLewis CaptainMidnite PSmoov Budo More Coming..
im a bum and don't do lazy to turn on the tv
static channel
conversational tagalog
mi padre and this amazing heroand Alton Brown of course.