Digesting raw words and phrases...mmmmm..., humming, playing guitar, skateboarding w/ the Dale crew, making out (when optional), sharing stories. i enjoy watching movies that make you think about your life and how you can change it.(Requiem for a Dream, Lost in Translation, Life Aquatic) Maybe not the former, but it's a damn good movie anyways. I like writing through your stream of conscious only to tuck it away for months to be found later. cleaning my room to discover that lost language of odd quirks and perplexities only to laugh at yourself. Being NOT serious. I'm interested in strange discussions that leave me questioning my motives in this world.
Wile E Coyote
RADIOHEAD. Elliott Smith, The Shins, Tom Petty, Snow Patrol, Deftones, Elvis, Mudvayne, BRIGHT EYES, The Killers, The Righteous Bros., Grateful Dead, Muse, Razorlight, Arcade Fire, Beck, My Chemical Romance, Kaiser Chiefs, The Mars Volta, Bob Dylan, Heart, Alice in Chains, RATM, RHCP, Read, Spoon, Team Sleep, The White Stripes, Bloc Party, PIXIES, Pink Floyd, Heart, Blue Quarter, MANPUTERCHAMPION, Team America, Atreyu, Geek Society, Weenus, Trivium, We Are Scientists, Bloc Party, 30 Seconds to Mars.
Fraggle Rock, Thundercats, Smurfs, Sea Lab, Ren & Stimpy, Dinosaurs, basically shows that don't make sense.
Anything by Tom Robbins, Shel Silverstein, Stephen King, Brett Easton Ellis, Dan Brown, Anne Rice, Nietzche, the funnies, Nutrition Facts/Fictions, people's faces/gestures, minds, Tolkien. I'm a sucker for astrology books, no idea why.
Old folks with stories.