I am an adorable white & grey dogg that the ladies can't resist. My fur used to be velvety soft, but I'm no girly dog, & like to live rough (no pun intended)so its needin a good conditioning. I was bought by the Father Person, for the Peeps in late 2003, and have never left her side since. I travel with her everywhere! Vegas, Piercing place, even a Tall Ship!... I have the pictures up to prove it... I've made many a trips to the hospital; and stayed overnight quite a few times(sometimes weeks).. The nurses tend to iritate me though... dont they realise its okay to poke me with needles cuz I'm made of fluff & stuff; but the Peeps is made of soft fleshy materials that leak when ya poke em. I dont know why she goes in so many timesa month to get HER fluffins refilled... I'm almost 3 & I've not once had to... oh well.. that is enough for now. remember... EGGBERT LOFFS YOU TOO!