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Dj Borra was born on February, the 09th 1978 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Keen on music since early childhood. DJ Borra's professional career starts in the beginning of 1994. He has been interested in club music since 1996. He has performed at major clubs as All Saints, Chervilo, Yalta, Indigo, Spartacus, Escape, Casbah, Cacao etc. Dj Borra has worked with all of the best Bulgarian DJs. He has had past gigs with artists like Desyn Masiello, Dr. Kucho, Austin Leeds, Kobbe, Marcelo Castelli, Antoine Clamaran, Dave Angel, Paul Anthony, Jamie Anderson, Joan Ribas and many more. Dj Borra's style is always dynamic. Dj Borra's own style varies between deep, funky - electro house and progressive.
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