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About Me

I'm Justin B. I'm 26 and love anything to do with the water (Fishing, boating, swimming, and SCUBA) hiking, sports and the occasonal "Riding of the keg". I also enjoy nightlife (no clubs, just a pool table dart board, cornhole, thats right I said CORNHOLE, and some rowdy folk) Some would say I LIKE TO BE HEARD, but I don't know why. I graduated from MMI in orlando, and now hang my hat at 1018 Aruba Circle Charleston S.C. 29412.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

John Wayne, Prince, David A. Coe, Ernist Hemmingway. Now, People I would like to f'up: 1) Exhaust having, 4 cylinder driving a'holes. (It dosen't sound good and your not cool) 2) Free loaders (Get a job) 3) People that cheat at pool (I will through a que ball @ you, Although I may miss) 4) Frat Boys (Notice they're never refered to as frat men.) 5) Peggy Hill (Self Explanitory) 6) Kellin Winslow (Will probably need some help but definetly needs to happen, he is a true testiment to miami football. Yes Andy they SUCK!! The list has just started, and will most definetly grow.

My Blog

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