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Name is Jenna...nice of me to introduce myself right? well let's see i was born on July 12. I am 18 years old. I have a boyfriend, i have friends and i have family. Drama was fun while it lasted but now that im out of high school its time for it to stop following me home. I don't like people who tell me that they "will never do that" but end up doing it behind my back anyway..eXcuse me peOpLe i will find out! I also can't stand people that steal from me and accuse my boyfriend,friends,or family of doing something that i clearly and is well aware that they would never do that cuZ i have reason to proVe that its ImPoSsIbLe!!! I seriously don't care what you say about me. If you really like to talk about me that must mean that i'm the center of your life and you obviously don't have one! For people like that, im so flattered that im that important in your life. Family is Family..mess with them and your basically fucked. My friends are also my life..accept me and them or don't bother to accept me at all. My boyfriend is my world and my life also, he's a lil craZy but he's there for me and doesn't take his anger out on me which is a huge change for me and plus its a turn-on. I like to meet people online and just chyll with them in person, even if i don't even know them. I don't smoke but i will drink. only mike's hard lemonade cuZ that's all my stomach can handle. I make a mean vodka drink so you'd have to bring the stuff for me to make it. I don't do clubs,ever since i was thrown out of one. Parties? yea sure you having one? cuZ if i throw one peopLe usually end up sleeping cuZ the partY is so boring! Oh yes lets go to the words fake and liar! yea um sure you can lie to me..but i always know when someone is lying so if i look like i'm believing you...ur really mistaken..and fake seems to be in..but its actually not. So everyone that is fake..GET OVER YOURSELF! I hate people that tell everyone that i crave attention...just so you know...i don't need attention from anyone..im a lil bit bipolar..and the weirdest things piss me off..so don't think i do shyt for attention its just who i am and how i react to things....and um..i know i've done so much shyt in the past and i know that some of you out there still remember most of it and do tell your friends about it right in front of me...yea so can you like not! kthankx! it really hurts me cuZ it means you still think about it and still haven't forgiven me...and i think we all know who i'm talking about that still does this...(one of my cuzins) Yea so thats all about me. message me and ask for my sn if you wanna talk to me personally. btw...im completely cashews..and i'm so uniQue you'll want to run away terrified.