I enjoy flying for pleasure, racing my Turbo SE-R (drag and autocross), skydiving, riding my Nighthawk 750, coffee with friends, a good movie, eating out, road trips, church, trumpet, bass guitar, formation flying, RC slope soaring, tinkering with cars, jammin, and cruis'n
I'm dating her!
Hard Rock, Smooth Jazz, Worship music, self generated music from my trumpet, bass or piano.
Non-predictable action movies, movies that make you think one way then throw you for a loop near the end. (the Island), Clever animated movies (ex. Madagasgar, The Incredibles, Monster's Inc.) Good car chase scenes (I will often watch a movie just for 5 minutes of full throttle action)
no time for it but I'd probably watch movie channels on rainy NW days ,the military or speed channel
Jackie Chan - because he always has a plan Bob Hoover - because in his old age, he still rolls his Shrike Commander with both engines shut off Johnny 9 Lives - Skydiver who provides constant energy to the dropzone