Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet profile picture

Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet

I am here for Friends

About Me

Adopt your own Old Skool Adoptable!This is what I do with my friends.For the longest time

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Create your own Friend Quiz hereBonjour, tout le monde! My name is Krisandra, and I am the biggest nerd you will ever meet! I am now a senior at El Molino High School. I enjoy math, science, studying foreign languages, and performing music. At El Molino, I'm a part of Encore Choir (our school's advanced choir). The video up above is of the guys of Encore Choir performing a singing Valentine. (I also play the flute but not as a part of the school band.) I am also president of the science club this year. I play on the varsity tennis team and the junior varsity track team. I've been studying French for the past 3 years, and I am now enrolled in our school's AP French 4 class. My goal for this year is to get into one of these 3 colleges: Oberlin, Pomona (a Claremont McKenna college), or Carleton. My friend David is the one who opened my eyes to the wonderful programs of both Oberlin and Carleton. I wish to major in astrophysics. Here's my class schedule for those who are interested: 1) AP Calculus 2) AP French 4 3) AP English 12 4) Govt/Econ 5) AP Chemistry 6) Encore (academic) Choir 7) TA for Lab Biology
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My Interests

I love penguins!Science, math, learning foreign languages, music (performing it of course.)Being on the jv track teamAnd the varsity tennis team| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Which Other World Are You Secretly From?Quizilla | Join

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who have interesting personalities and aren't afraid to flaunt them.

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I enjoy rock, heavy metal, techno, and classical. I know that classical music doesn't seem to fit into the list, but what sort of musician would I be if I didn't listen to some classical music. Oh and of course I can't forget Simon and Garfunkel and Frank Sinatra.


Clockwork Orange, The City of Lost Children (It's a french movie.), Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Rocky Horror Picture Show. I love demented movies.


Family Guy, Simpsons, and anything on the Science Channel.


I read fantasy books like Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series.


My heros are Stephen Hawking and Le Marquis du Chatelet.(She was a brilliant physicist and she was Voltaire's lover.)

My Blog

my life in a nutshell right now

For anyone that is curious about what is going on in my life because I've been getting a lot of questions, I've decided to give you a summary. My parents messed up when we were moving so that I am tec...
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:25:00 PST

The genius of my Jeannie

"how to beat infinity....hmm...let's see.... that would involve nakedness, alcohol and hallucinogens :-D" -Jeannie Stranzl
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:25:00 PST

Heck yes!!!!!!

You know for the longest time I had thought that my life had gotten fucked to hell, but now I realize that that was the best thing that has ever happened to me! I wish it had happened much sooner for ...
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:29:00 PST

There are only 3 words that could describe today....

Dear diary...jackpot!
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Tue, 29 May 2007 06:37:00 PST


             War Explosions. Cries of fear and pain fill the air. A blood covered field stretches out before them like a red sea. A demon chuckle...
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Of Telescopes and Men

Before NASA was formed, before the first satellite was launched into space, a young American had a dream. Lyman Spitzer, Jr. dreamt of a telescope that would not be hampered by our Earth's atmosphere,...
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Fri, 25 May 2007 06:30:00 PST

It's not so shpedoinkly...

Why do I always fall for guys that I'm not supposed to be with? It's so frustrating, especially because I feel I have a really strong connection with this person. People are so judgemental t...
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:34:00 PST

Yeah I stole this from Niko but it was too funny to pass up...

Peter: I'm hung like the greek ideal! I'm Michaelangelos' David, motherfuckers! We're talking High Rennaisance junk here. Niko: Hey man, we're in the same boat. Peter: Just keep it on your side of the...
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 05:43:00 PST

My one true love is...

MOZART! No, not the composer, though I must say I'm quite fond of him as well. This Mozart is more psychotic, has four legs, and is orange and furry. He's my precious baby boy. ^_^
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:13:00 PST


I am a happy Krisandra. School is stressing me out, but summer is coming up and I'll be rid of Ms. Porter forever! Life is working out for me. I think that things got really bad for a while so that I ...
Posted by Krisandra - La Marquise du Chatelet on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:36:00 PST