I am sum guy who:
is 21, undergoing a commerce degree at deakin, works partime at a shit IGA supermarket (and hates it soooooo much cos ive ben there for like 5 years),has a shitbox/awesome car which has a male and female owner....both bums, have moved out of home and loving it!!!!!!!!!!i used 2 be a myspaceaholic....and yes the rumors are true...i have captured a female of the human species which i own, who i must mention...Jess is her name. she is very nice...but doesnt always listen to me the little rebel.Also she deserves a slap in the face every now and then i reckon. Getting to be a bit of a mouth.....possibly seeing Sami or Tom behind my back?Jokes about the slapping bit though cos violence against women...Australia says NO!
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