The Conscious Collective is a collaboration of life among artistic minds alike. They are fully aware that they are cosmic beings channeling an infinite sea of knowledge, pure love, and wisdom from an innertransdimensional plane, which is the fabric or matrix, if you will, buried beneath modern society. The intelligent design is in the mind of the observer. The mind is simply that of a black hole, surrounded by creation.
Those who are an integral part of this "Conscious Collective" are aware that they are the souls of ancient prophets and revolutionaries who have taken human form throughout the course of history. They are also aware that they are fractions of a greater energy, or soul which has exsisted since before the implementation of mankind. Celestial angels and soldiers inside a chosen vessel. It is our responsibilty to be the wise and affect positive change. This is why we recognize our exsistence in this body, in this life today, rather than centuries ago. If we do not live up to this duty...this is where our fate ends. One
Wipe the diamonds from your eyes again. The sun has reached it's highest peak of it's rising. It's time for love and all souls with pure intentions to move up the spiral and eat the Lotus of Life.
At last, turned on by carefully designed molecular structures offered forth by the cosmic Christ they found an infinite sea of truth tyrant men could never swallow.