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You Can Have it All. Just Not All at Once!

About Me

I love to smile, laugh, sing, dance, cook, be with my family, to play with my dogs, swim, play card games... Oh and I love my digital camera (but not as much as my roommates ha ha) I have so many goals and so little time. Right now, my most important goal is to graduate college... and eventually go to law school. Mostly I just love to be happy, and my roommates, friends, and family make me laugh a lot and I love that!! I love to surround myself with people who are witty and funny...

My Interests

Most of my interests are listed in the ABOUT ME little bloggy thingy, but mostly I just love to have fun... I love sports, eapically softball, that is my favorite I think... I love shopping, and e-Bay is my one of my secret indulgences


I'd like to meet:

I have a small amount of people in my life who I love more then anything... They each have made an impact on my life and they are on this space either below or in other pictures... so thanks for all the love and support!


I love Kelly Clarkson! (well cuz of course she is the ultimate American Idol!) I love music that I can dance to! Black Eyed Peas, Yellowcard, Teddy, and just so much more, I love all types of music except for hard core rock (like Marilyn Manson barf!) and twangy country ...


WOW! That's hard! Well first off I LOVE She's the MAN... oh my goodness Channing Tatum... I love Batman Begins, National Treasure, Red-Eye, Sweet Home Alabama, Yours Mine and Ours (the old one), Tommy Boy, Elf, Harry Potter, Narnia jeez just so much...


LAW & ORDER (all of them I might add) oh and SAVED BY THE BELL!! (Well for one cuz I married Zack Morris in my previous life!), Gilmore Girls, The O.C., American Idol, Supernatural, and bascially I Love mostly all of Reality TV!!


I am now on reading my 12th book for the summer, so take that CIS!!


My heroes include my mom and dad, they have taught me everything that is important in my life and have sacraficed so much for me! Hyrum and Austin (my brothers) even though I am older they are my best friends and have taught me so much, and I just love my little sisters, they entertain me and are so darn funny... and I love Oprah Winfrey (she's seriously the smartest and coolest lady around! oh ya and she's RICH!)

My Blog

I finally MADE IT!

So here I am in the beautiful lovely town of Las Vegas... it's certainly warmer then Rexburg or Idaho for that matter.  Today I drove home from school with the sunroof open and all the windows do...
Posted by Savy on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 10:27:00 PST

A Few of my favorite things

A few of my favorite things! I've always wondered how come that song off the Sound of Music was a Christmas song "My Favorite Things"... but then it just hit me, Christmas is probably my most fav...
Posted by Savy on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:22:00 PST


WOW!  I haven't posted a blog in a long ace time... ha ha!  Sorry bout that!  School has gotten the better part of me these days, as I wake up go to school in between classes do homewor...
Posted by Savy on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 10:40:00 PST

Angel Moroni!

Angel Moroni! OMG so today was the day the Angel Moroni got put on the Rexburg Temple!  So Jenn, Kelli, and I left here around 8:30 and made our way up to the site!  There were so many ...
Posted by Savy on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 01:14:00 PST

R.I.P Steve Irwin R.I.P.

I forgot to mention that we have been in mourning over the Croc Hunter, we will miss you..... and as Scott put it, why couldn't he have died chasing whistle pigs down a canyon or something cool l...
Posted by Savy on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:24:00 PST

My 1st Week of my Last Semester at BYUI!!

So my first week of my last Fall Semester at BYUI was so stressful and amazing, oh and sad all at the same time!!  Stressful for one because classes started and they are so hard, jesh!  I ha...
Posted by Savy on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:19:00 PST


So sad to say, I'm sitting here in beautiful D-port #10 all by self... seriously, but I'm just so happy cuz I went to check my classes for my last semester ever of classes at BYU-I and everything WORK...
Posted by Savy on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 07:25:00 PST

So glad this week is OVER!

Booo to my roommates who made me sick!  I COULD KILL!  Anyway, this week has been sooooo stressful.  After my mom left it was time to get down and dirty.  Monday I had a 10 page pa...
Posted by Savy on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 09:14:00 PST

Silly Girls

So last night was Hy's birthday party and such... We had fun, and hey there was fresh pineapple!  We even got into a pillow fight with the strobe light on, DON'T EVER DO THAT!!  Seriously...
Posted by Savy on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:58:00 PST

Woop Woop

I seriously cannot wait for my mom to come visit me this weekend!  I am just so golly darn excited&  Anyway, the only thing that sucks this week is the snow (booo!!) and well that I have...
Posted by Savy on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 09:36:00 PST