Most of my interests are listed in the ABOUT ME little bloggy thingy, but mostly I just love to have fun... I love sports, eapically softball, that is my favorite I think... I love shopping, and e-Bay is my one of my secret indulgences
I have a small amount of people in my life who I love more then anything... They each have made an impact on my life and they are on this space either below or in other pictures... so thanks for all the love and support!
I love Kelly Clarkson! (well cuz of course she is the ultimate American Idol!) I love music that I can dance to! Black Eyed Peas, Yellowcard, Teddy, and just so much more, I love all types of music except for hard core rock (like Marilyn Manson barf!) and twangy country ...
WOW! That's hard! Well first off I LOVE She's the MAN... oh my goodness Channing Tatum... I love Batman Begins, National Treasure, Red-Eye, Sweet Home Alabama, Yours Mine and Ours (the old one), Tommy Boy, Elf, Harry Potter, Narnia jeez just so much...
LAW & ORDER (all of them I might add) oh and SAVED BY THE BELL!! (Well for one cuz I married Zack Morris in my previous life!), Gilmore Girls, The O.C., American Idol, Supernatural, and bascially I Love mostly all of Reality TV!!
I am now on reading my 12th book for the summer, so take that CIS!!
My heroes include my mom and dad, they have taught me everything that is important in my life and have sacraficed so much for me! Hyrum and Austin (my brothers) even though I am older they are my best friends and have taught me so much, and I just love my little sisters, they entertain me and are so darn funny... and I love Oprah Winfrey (she's seriously the smartest and coolest lady around! oh ya and she's RICH!)