whats up everyone! my name is nathan or nate whichever u want its all the same to me ha ha! i'm a sophomore at NMSU, majoring in secondary education! my goal is to be a high school english teacher, as well as a professor here at NMSU and teach the Poetry of Tupac Shakur. i'm a very chill person, might come off as a shy guy, but once you get to know me youw willl see that i aint. i'm the oldest of three bros, 'Tony, Cory, and Jo-Jo. i love my brothers to death, even though i might not always show it. i work for UBID TV Comcast Cable Channel 98, as a camera man, host, and co-director of a live auction show that airs Sun-Thurs from 8pm-1am. Check it out sometime! i also got a lil poetry book going on, its called WASTED TALENT. check it out! i got a few samples of it posted up in the blog! let me knwo what you think of those! writting is a passion of mine, as is musiS! as u will see once you get to know me ha ha. if you wanna know anythin else about me, dont be afraid to ask! i aint a hard guy to find or to get a hold of! oh n yeah to answer the ladies questions, yes i am single! ;) KING OF DC
Add to My Profile | More Videos i graduated from Gadsden High school, and plan on some day returning there to be a teacher. i am into music, i love hearing all kinds of music and appreciate music that comes from the heart and delivers a good message. i believe that music is key to life, for every thing that happens in our life there is a song to go along with it. and music can touch you in so many ways. i love to write! if you ever got time, just check out my blog and you will see that i love to write, i dont write cuase i have to, i write cuase i want to . some people drink or smoke till the problems go away, well i write. its kinda like my form therapy! Lil Rob "'Just One Of Those Days" (Video)
Add to My Profile | More Videos i'ma real dynamic person, full of ups n downs. but i always try to be there for my freinds and put my problems aside to make sure that you have a smile on your face! ha ha i've felt like i've said a lot but yet feel like i'm leavin out so much, but if you want to get to know me or ask me anything hit me up.
hit me up sometime if you ever in cruces, or if you ever in DEL CERRO look for me u know where i'm at.
when the misses is gone this is what goes down ha ha hayo if you trying to IM me on myspace shit i dont know how to get it lol. so hit me up on aol at nathanbelchino or on yahoo: cappachino_21 or ify ou want he me nate-dogg up on the low 50549648** ha ha
talk to me when u could do 200 TI's if u aint no what they are watch the beginin of this vid....200 all day everyday..... T.I. - Big Things Poppin (Do It) World Premiere
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