»-(¯`Mz_braTTy´¯)-» profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

meee... jz an ordinary girl who used to chill out wid my family and fwendz.. im a homebuddy.. i jz go out when i need to relax. im lazy yet responsible. im sweet and nice yet bitch when someone pissez me off! im juvenile yet mature when needed. i am moody, sensitive, emotional, pessimistic! f u want more, chill out wid me and know me betta! peace out! =)Layout by Tennaya Layouts / HotFreeLayouts

My Interests

hangin n chillin out, readin, chattin, shoppin, dancin, singin, watchin, soundtrippin

I'd like to meet:

cute bad boy looking guy, sweet, cool, fun to be with and nice

Thanks MyCuteSpace.com!


Tons of Songs at ..!(aLteRNatiVe, r&b, pOp, aCouSTic, rOcK)haLe, cUesHe, OraNge & LeMonS, 6CycLeMind, sUgaRFreE, spOngEcOla, BrOwnMan reVivaL, pUpiL, MYMP, rOcksTedDy


d riNg 12, briNg iT oN 12, mAid iN mANhaTTan, a wALk tO rEmEMber, sCaRy mOviE 123, hOw tO dEaL, legaLLy bLondE 12, swEEt hOme aLaBamA, aMeriCaN piE 1234, FreAKy FriDaY, MeAN giRLs, CinDeReLLa sTORy, Mr n MrS SmiTh


mMs, mYx, mTv, eAT buLaGa, cArtOOn nETwOrk, diSnEy cHannEL, hBO, ciNeMax, sTar mOviEs, feAr faCtOr, aMazIng RaCe, mOndO MagiC, bEaUTy and d GeeK, PBB, sTarStrUcK


"iM mOrE on mAgz"


sPidErMan, bATmAn, sUpErMan, dArNA & scOobY dOO..:P