My name is Melanice Nekia Clark and I'm 23 years old. I'm a psychology major and I am very interested in serial killers... I don't why, lol, I've always been like that don't ask why, lol. I'm a keepin' it real kinda person. I'm really down to Earth and loves to have fun and meet people. Most people say I'm spooky and weird... in a good way, lol. I like riding street bikes and I like fast cars... Im FIERCE! Lol! Most of the time I'm in chill mode, relaxed and at ease. A lot of people don't know this, but I love old music especially Michael Jackson, lol... like from back in the day: 70s, 80s, and early 90s. Hot Topic is my favorite store, I buy most of my clothes there... I like the gothic look don't ask why, lol. I have a dark-side I keep hidden and I don't believe in using it until it's absolutely necessary, its nothing you should be afraid of... I don't think! Lol. I'm not gay or anything, but I'm in love with Jade from Mortal Kombat, she is so beautiful and my girl Jean/Phoenix from X-Men. One of my weaknesses are very, very, very tall men... 6'5" and taller (get at me, lol)! Lol. Vampires fascinate me a lot, I'm not a participant of the things they do, it's just something about gothics and vampires I like... maybe its the look I don't know, lol. My family is very important to me and they always come first. I treat people the way I wanna be treated, that's only fair, because I'm a fair person. I'm not a drama queen and I hate conflict and confrontation. Things don't really bother me, I guess I have a high tolerance level. I thank God for my life and for the people and things that complete my life making my life more pleasant. I don't take life for granted, I think it's very precious and it shouldn't be abused.
Michael Jackson - history
It'll NEVER be another!!!!