Whaddup relatives.....this page is up to get my music out there and looking to collaborate with interesting artists, rappers saying something meaningful and helpful to humanity...and that might just be a good party song. My history is deep, been making trax since the early 90's, I laid the musical foundation for Chicano bands Aztlan Nation and Brown Skin Artists, and most recently have been working with Big Chuco whose album is coming out soon. I got experience in the production studio and the hardwork that it takes to make a good sound. I'm def old school cat but I like the new sound too, especially since now the Bay is on the map...again.You could say my style is simple, like the way I talk and write, I don't waste alot of energy, if something is there it's for a reason.Check out the rolas....if you like them let me know, if you think I can learn something from your critique, let me know that too. Most of these tracks are meant to conjure up a mood, and really the missing piece is the hook, vocalist, rapper....you know. I'll post more as I get them, but if I've asked for your friendship, its because I'm trying to connect with serious people I either admire or would like to collaborate with. So with that..sin mas...paz. Beto
My Interests
Member Since: 10/14/2006
Band Website: www.slickit.com
Record Label: Unsigned