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About Me

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Our names are Daisy and Sadie. We are Labrador Retrievers.Daisy is the black one, and she is 4 years old. Daisy loves to play. She will eat anything. She loves Fall and Winter the most,her favorite thing to do is to play in leaves and the snow. Sadie is competely different. She is the yellow lab, she is 3 years old. She loves the outside. She is very lazy except when she is chasing rabbits out of the back yard. Her favorite thing to do is to sleep. They both love to go for rides in the cars to visit Mamaw.

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My Blog

we have been tagged thanks to Candy. This is going to be fun!

This is how it works.... Each player starts with 8 facts/ habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write about their 8 things as well as post the rules. At the end of your blog choose 8 ...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 18:40:00 GMT