"At what point will it become socially acceptable to publicly hector fat people in the way that smokers are publicly hectored?"
literature, philosophy, psychology, making bad decisions, sleeping, feeling, hearing, smelling, loving, seeing, music.
New York's pimp ass
The Beatles, some Indie, The shins, Pink Floyd, Neil Young and Crazy Horse, led zeppelin, Leon Russell, matisyahu, hendrix of course, Johnny Cash, simon and garfunkel, bob marley, John Mayer, Marilyn Manson, CCR, Ozzy, the doors, janis joplin, sublime, bob dylan, guns and roses. weird 80's music when i feel like it.
Pan's Labyrinth, Garden State, Supersize Me!, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost In Translation, Life is Beautiful, Little Miss Sunshine [i think im in love with dwayne], A very long engagement, Amelie, Bowling for Columbine, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bills, FERN GULLY, spun, requiem, fight club of course, fear and loathing, Pink Floyd in Pompeii, american history X, pride and prejudice, disney movies, the little mermaid, mulan, the swan princess, i love concert videos. walk the line, hero, crouching tiger, and many more.
PBS, Seinfeld, South Park, simpsons
On the Road, Life of Pi, Hole in my Life, The Metamorphosis, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Poisonwood Bible, Hamlet, Tale of Two Cities, To Kill a Mockingbird, Great Expectations, The Awakening, Grapes of Wrath, Dante's Inferno, Les Miserables, Harry Potter [don't judge], Catch 22, The Great Gatsby, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Color Purple, Pride and Prejudice, Slaughterhouse Five, Brave New World, Into the Wild, The Catcher in the Rye, Bob Dylan Chronicles haha,i dunno. . . there are probably more.
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