Brandon Richardson lyrically known as "The Rachaurd", story began November 26, 1985. Raised in a single parent, Christian home, he and his two younger brothers were surrounded by gospel music. Shortly after high school Brandon enrolled in the army. While there he would send his mother poems. These nostalgic filled poems were easily transformed into songs. When Brandon returned from the armed forces, his cousins had helped to form a band by the name of Black August. They encouraged and assisted Brandon to add to his new found talent. Creating the name Rachaurd, his cousins produce much of his work. Now at the age of 22, The Rachaurd has evolved himself into one of the most diverse songwriters of this time. Ranging from R&B soul, pop andd even fiddling with rock, he is definitely striving to make it to the top. He has recently been blessed with the greatest motivation yet; his son. Determined to display to the world his love of being a notable musical lyrist; he will stop at nothing until it is household said that Brandon Richardson is truly The Mighty Rachaurd with a notepad and pen.
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