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Black Rose

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HotFreeLayoutsThe color “Black” has always been synonymous with death and mourning. It is thus the color of sadness and farewell. So, many people consider black roses to symbolize bereavement, loss and mortality. The negative connotations here are far reaching, and make the black rose the least sought after among roses. But, a more positive meaning does exist for the Black Rose. It is true that black is the color of death. But death does not always cause mourning. It can also be the beginning of new things, a journey into unexplored territory. The black rose, because it symbolizes death and passing away, also indicates a major change or upheaval in the future. In that sense, the black rose also means the death of old habits and the old order. It inspires confidence and enthusiasm by signaling the birth of a new era of hope, joy, courage and resistance.

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Oct 1956-Jan 2007 In Dedication to my Sista’s of beautiful colors, who have lost their souls in search of the “Real Brother”Sista! You have been taught such lies! I wish I could say they were mistakes. I cannot! You have been taken off course by lies and my heart is burdened and bludgeoned by your apparent inability to heal or help yourself. You have been taught that you are nothing, useless without a man and the things men appropriate to you or for you. The truth is men and their things convert you into useless nothings! I am not condemning or dismissing men or your scared unions with them. I am revealing to you that “I” the Mother and not “they” make you whole. When you honor the energy, in your soul, your union with men becomes functional, not fictional. For the secret of life is etched into the genetic composition of your DNA. You are the doors of life. All that lives has come through the portal of the Woman.The Sister Circle of Bill of Rights1.I have the right to have peace and time alone. 2.I have the right to unequivocally express my womanhood. 3.I have the right to acknowledge that I am angry with someone I love. 4.I have the right to say “no” to special favors or requests that I can not meet. 5.I have the right to make my own decisions. 6.I have the right to say, “I’m not invincible.” 7.I have the right to be treated fairly and with respect. 8.I have the right to feel good about who I am. 9.I have the right to enjoy myself and feel happy. 10.I have the right to hold fast to my dreams, values and beliefs.The Sister Circle Affirmation 1.I am one with God. 2.I respect and honor my feminie power. 3.I believe in myself. 4.I know I can. 5.I am upset, and I am okay. 6.I know that this will pass. 7.I am blessed beyond compare. 8.I am a free spirit, ready to soar. 9.I know myself and accept who I am. 10. I will take one day at a time.

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