Honis Terando profile picture

Honis Terando

About Me

My Interests


Elliott Smith, Murder City, Alkaine Trio, Tool, A Perfect Circle, The Black Keys, Iron & Wine, The Mars Volta, Refused, Death Cab, Godspeed, Minus the Bear, Weezer, Radiohead, Modest Mouse, Mogwai, J Mascis, The Who, TV on the Radio, Sublime, Built to Spill, Sigur Ros, The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Jets to Brazil, The Shins, Dresden Dolls, Nine Inch Nails, Smashing Pumpkins, Pleasure Forever, Tom Waits, Yes, The Smiths, Led Zeppelin, The Faint, Pink Floyd, Pedro the Lion


LA Confidential, The Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Seven, Reservior Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Silence of the Lambs, Requiem for a Dream, The Big Lebowski, O Brother Where art thou, Snatch, The Godfather, Goodfellas, Old School, Get Shorty, Donnie Darko, Legends of the Fall, American Beauty, Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob, Tombstone, Trainspotting, Garden State


The Simpsons, Sienfeld, The OC, 24, Scrubs, The Office, The West Wing, Lost


Everything by Dean Koontz, Pet Sematary, The Shining, The Bourne Trilogy