I love computers, boats, and flying. Not necessarily in that order... Women first !! Also, I just got into a new gig helping people that need credit cards(if you know, drop me a message).
All sorts of interesting and talented people. And, not necessariy beautiful cause some ugly are more beautiful on
the inside then some on the outside. Anyway, if you want to start on your own successful online business go to ---
I love all sorts of music, jazz, salza, especially Shakira !!..
AMC and TCM movies. Other than that, I love action movies. And, Yes I have a soft heart for love stories !
Musical shows, award shows, Fiction like Star trek, SG1, Ghost whisperer, and others that will make your brain work.
Romantic novels, biographies, some mysteries. Mainly the Bible .. Source Code for Daily Scripture provided by Daily Scripture - www.TAGnet.org/scripture --
Jesus, My first, only hero was my father. And, the men that go into battle against the fires, The Police Officers who fight to give us peace on the home front, And, those -and those soldiers who fight that we might Keep our Freedom !!...
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