Mike profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Right now I am in the process of creating a home Base business from Home on your PC and need marketing help ! Well, you guys know that I'm a libra and libra's love beauty- And, the most beautiful things that I know exist on this world are "Women"! We (us guys) cannot live without women ! Why? Cause they are stronger then us, wiser, have more endurance(birth pain is too much for us guys)Ha. And, they are only submissive cause they love us. Look at all these women that are successful entrepreneurs. Now, I am a happy grandfather- my daughter has 4 beautiful kids. My wife is a computer Geek, and my dog-keyke, is my daughters sister. Of which, both of them love each other so much that they lick each other..a lot. Ha, ha ! The Lord blesses me with the American Dream-a house. Ok, Ok,= these sites are not just for kids. Us big kids love to play around too! I am a NewYorkRican. Proud to be a Boricua! And, honey do I love to party(of course, that's where my daughter got it from).My wife thinks it came from her !?? Recently, I loss some weight and I want to share the secret with you guys - go to the following site http://applepatchdiet.com/mr30186

My Interests

I love computers, boats, and flying. Not necessarily in that order... Women first !! Also, I just got into a new gig helping people that need credit cards(if you know, drop me a message).

I'd like to meet:

All sorts of interesting and talented people. And, not necessariy beautiful cause some ugly are more beautiful on the inside then some on the outside. Anyway, if you want to start on your own successful online business go to --- http://www.yaswebsites.com/285872/..

Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebpage


Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebpage



I love all sorts of music, jazz, salza, especially Shakira !!..


AMC and TCM movies. Other than that, I love action movies. And, Yes I have a soft heart for love stories !


Musical shows, award shows, Fiction like Star trek, SG1, Ghost whisperer, and others that will make your brain work.


Romantic novels, biographies, some mysteries. Mainly the Bible .. Source Code for Daily Scripture provided by Daily Scripture - www.TAGnet.org/scripture --


Jesus, My first, only hero was my father. And, the men that go into battle against the fires, The Police Officers who fight to give us peace on the home front, And, those -and those soldiers who fight that we might Keep our Freedom !!...

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MAKE MONEY on your PROFILE - ProfileDough.com

My Blog

Great shopping (Free to join)

Hey guys, go to my $5 & $10 Mall and check it out for shopping online. Its cheap (save on gas too), has many stores, and you get rebates on everything that you buy!!Plus, you get rebates from anyo...
Posted by Mike on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:23:00 PST

Weight Loss

I just wanted to share some of the positive sides of my life . Recently, I have tried on and off to loss weight to no avail. It isn't that I am Obese, its just that I would like to be at my target wei...
Posted by Mike on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 10:09:00 PST

Starting as a child again!??

Imagine if you could start life all over again. Who would you like to be? I would love to be an actor.  Why? Cause they get to somewhat experience so many life's in one life. To pretend you are s...
Posted by Mike on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 11:04:00 PST


Would you like to improve your life? If you read the following lines that I am going to write, you will improve your life tremendously. If not right away, it will improve a whole lot in the near futur...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 04:05:00 PST