Find your own pose !
Someday, once I've broken up with enough people,I am going to put out a compilation album of songs that my exboyfriends wrote about me, because I only date geniuses so it will be really good, and if you write a song about me but didn't date me we can still put it on the album- we'll just lie and say you used to be my boyfriend too. You know, just for thematic purposes.Lately I have been painting much less and drawing a little more. I don't really have room enough in my house to full on paint. I play around a lot with little scraps of paper and other garbage- and waterplantswormsfishturtle compost castle.You know I think we should have a party with pumpkin carving, face painting, puppet playing, song singing, collage making, knee slappin, good old fashioned fun. Pick a day- we'll trash my house with glitter and sequins. AND EAT COOKIES AND ICE CREAM MMMMM AND DRINK FANCY JUICE YUMMMY