Meghan profile picture


About Me

Find your own pose !

Someday, once I've broken up with enough people,I am going to put out a compilation album of songs that my exboyfriends wrote about me, because I only date geniuses so it will be really good, and if you write a song about me but didn't date me we can still put it on the album- we'll just lie and say you used to be my boyfriend too. You know, just for thematic purposes.Lately I have been painting much less and drawing a little more. I don't really have room enough in my house to full on paint. I play around a lot with little scraps of paper and other garbage- and waterplantswormsfishturtle compost castle.You know I think we should have a party with pumpkin carving, face painting, puppet playing, song singing, collage making, knee slappin, good old fashioned fun. Pick a day- we'll trash my house with glitter and sequins. AND EAT COOKIES AND ICE CREAM MMMMM AND DRINK FANCY JUICE YUMMMY

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people I already know.people who don't lie

My Blog

live it

To truly care about a cause is to educate oneself on the matter and live accordingly. For godsake don't go out and buy a gap t-shirt advocating equality. But know why that's the most stupid thing to d...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 13:35:00 GMT

Schuyler is a big FAT COMPUTER HOG

Let it be known to one and all that Schuyler is a huge piggy fat computer hog taking up inordinate amounts of time 1) sitting in the comfortable leather office chair 2) hogging the computer 3) wasting...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 15:24:00 GMT

Call to Action

Okay everybody! Here we are at the end of another year, and boy are they flying by. So much has been happening, with me anyway. It becomes clear how easily time goes by without one doing what is most ...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 11:25:00 GMT

an event across the street

Love is hard.
Posted by on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 13:31:00 GMT