I was given the name Natasha at birth. The third and last child of both parents who immigrated to Australia. I'm Thai/Yugoslavian. I consider myself a global citizen. Like you I have six senses. I need routine and order but I must have freedom. I believe in believing. I believe that thinking for ourselves is our greatest tool. Speaking out is our second. I don't believe in coincidence or fate. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I enjoy horror movies and children's stories. I'm afraid of cannibals and clowns. I'm REALLY afraid of cannibal clowns. Usually I prefer to dress in various shades of the same colour. I think it's fun to dig sand-crabs out of their homes. I find insect abdomens repulsive. We should all be concerned that the bees are dying. I'm a massive Aliens fan. Gambit and Wolverine are my favorite X-Men. I've never eaten whale. Finding feathers and rainbows makes me smile. I might spend too much time alone. I've always wanted freckles across my nose. I named my car Pitseleh. Bad hygiene and old linen is appalling to me. Dig made up words. I want to see every part of the world possible. Artists inspire me, politicians don't. Conformists make me want to dry retch for fun. If you're from Currabubula I want to hear from you! I can't get enough of Studio Ghibli. I have trouble spelling. I don't eat tomatoes and I don't think I ever will.
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