A journey of the mind is difficult to communicate, because it is to complex. Too filled with images, emotions and thoghts. Shifting from moment to moment. Music is a way of processing, understanding and communicating these journeys. Through music you may speak the unspeakable.
origami disharmonika is a part of origami republika .
07.01.08 - new web pages: ghozm.orgi have finally managed to REconstruct my old web pages.. much is still missing but atleast the most important stuff and some new is available.
check out http://ghozm.org
28.12.07 - new song release: madhuVanity
a mix of indian classical music and western music.. this song has been produced by christopher juul as a demo for the release i will record in his studio in copenhagen in 2008. it will be a pleasure to have him produce my stuff.. a video for this song has been released in poor quality but a good one is on its way..
exploring indian classical music, and uniting it with my own. currently working on a release.madhuVanity
rag madhuvanti is the base of this tune. i have done all recordings my self, but Christopher Juul has done the mixing and sound tweaking. together with my brother i have also made a music video:madhuVanity (origami disharmonika)
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music for dreaming
lullabies for those who dwell beneath the mountains, for those who climb them and for those who fly above them. two songs have been released and more are to come.gnomerock lullaby
is as it says a lullaby for rock'n roll gnomes. i am currently working on a video for this song.
a live recording from the singing cave (songhellir), iceland. all sound in this cave turns in to music. there was someone filming this also, this will hopefully be released later.
this is old recordings done new. prosessen has changed over the years, this is one of the original sessions.
inspired by beck and specially his Sea change release..
old projects
underworlda free internet release with mp3's, images and text. released 2nd oct. 2001. a journey through the underworld. only one song is available here at myspace: "the shadow mirror", the rest is currently unavailable.. sorry!