I'm a Church girl! I've been COGIC my whole life--5th Generation--and I truly love the LORD. I'm single, SAVED and God has enlarged my courts! I am truly an intercessor and a warrior. I attend Cathedral of Praise COGIC www.cathedralpraise.org Nashville, TN. My pastor is Bishop J.L Maynard. I'm from a large family of preachers and I am walking in the same direction. I believe in spiritual warfare and don't mind going before the King on behalf of His little ones. I am a warrior and will come againt the powers of darkness (this is not a play thang)!!!
In 1997 God led me to start a young women's ministy called Young Women Coming Together (YWCT) when I was 19 years old and through that ministy several young ladies were blessed. God has called me to another level and I have reorganized and now the Ministy is called Daughters of Zion (DOZ). This ministy is designed to minister to God's daughrers (all ages). My desire is to see God's daughters hearled, set free, and delivered! When we are wounded we are not able to fight a good fight. This is the will of God concerning me and I am proud of it.
I have also started my own business, Genesis Educational Clinic. GEC was formed because of the need of inproving the number of educationed women in the minority community. GEC is designed to help ladies ages 16-49 complete a high school diploma or GED. Take money management classes, healthly living classes, etiquette/self-esteem classes, computer classes just to name a few. Through GEC women will be able to Maximize their Potential.
I am single, but fulfilling God's will to me is more important however, I would love to be married and have children--but not with a broke, busted brother who can't even buy me a coke!
My moto is Seek Him...Seek Him...Seek Him!
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