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If you don't think i look good you stupid !

About Me

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My Interests

going to college, playing basketball and makeing it to the NBA, skate boarding, becomeing a nurse, and woman not little girls woman who tkink they can handle a nigga like me. KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE Click here to make Falling Objects KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE KING BOONIE /font

I'd like to meet:

Some NBA players, Some NFL players, Meek Millz, Some fine ladies


Hip Hop, Rap because there is a difference

Take My Quiz
Whats my favorite sport?

A) Football
B) Basketball
C) Both

Whats my favorite food?

A) Hamburgers
B) Tacos
C) Chicken wings

If you know me than you know....

A) Stanley
B) Marvin
C) Ivana

What do I wanns be in life?

A) Basketball player
B) Nurse
C) Male Model

Make a Quiz for Your Profile!


.. width="425" height="350" ..
Name: Boonie
Birthdate: March 21
Birthplace: Philly! Philly!
Current Location: Philly
Eye Color: Light Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 160
Piercings: Two...ears
Tatoos: 2
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Part time girl
Overused Phraze: ?
Food: Tacos and McDonalds
Candy: Pussy
Number: 3
Color: Black and blue
Animal: My cat Dutch
Drink: Powerade
Alcohol Drink: Bacardi
Bagel: I don't eat bagels
Letter: J
Body Part on Opposite sex: Skin
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon...cuz Im a nigga!
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Strawberry
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate all over someones body
Kiss or Hug: Kisses
Dog or Cat: Cats
Rap or Punk: Rap
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: Money Ova Bitches
Bedtime: Wheneva I fall asleep
Most Missed Memory: Being a yungbul
Best phyiscal feature: My big ass DICK!
First Thought Waking Up: Vana
Goal for this year: To get into college
Best Friends: Me, my mom, Vana, Reese
Weakness: Gettin a good dick suck
Fears: Death
Heritage: Niggarocci
Ever Smoked:
Ever been Drunk: Hell yea
Ever been beaten up: Naw I whop a niggas ass
Ever beaten someone up: Hell yea
Ever Shoplifted: Who doesnt
Ever Skinny Dipped: Yea
Been Dumped Lately: Yes
Favorite Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Hair Color: Original
Short or Long: both
Height: as tall as me
Style: Conceited
Looks or Personality: Personality usually means she's looks
Hot or Cute Cute
Drugs and Alcohol: No
Muscular or Really Skinny: both...aint nuffn wrong with a girl with a lil meat..but no fat girls though
Number of Regrets in the Past: Not working harder in school
What country do you want to Visit: Amsterdam, Jamaica
How do you want to Die: I dont wanna die
Been to the Mall Lately: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: They aiight...except for when the lights go out
Get along with your Parents: Hell yea...but hell no
Health Freak: No
Do you think your Attractive: Yes...but other people don't think so
Believe in Yourself: Hell yea
Want to go to College: Hell yea
Do you Smoke: not cigarettes
Do you Drink: nope...when the right time comes its on
Shower Daily: Every day
Been in Love: Too many times
Do you Sing: Naw I rap
Want to get Married: Naw when Im sixtey
Do you want Children: Yea but not now
Have your future kids names planned out: Yea: Plexico, Clowcon, Springs (for a girl or boy), and Jesus
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Too late for that
Hate anyone: Hell yea: some bul name Mike Brown, lil Wayne cuz he kiss men, and Ivanas dad
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!.. width="425" height="350" ..Allen Iverson The Mix 2

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The waynes bros now, ESPN, Flava of love, Parental control




My mom,and myself