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People with positive attitudes. Sounds simple, but doesn't seem to be. Other than that, people that like to have a laugh.
I'm more a harder rock type guy although I enjoy music from every genera at some level. I have at times had an addiction to buying CD's. I have over 600 in my collection so needless to say I have something from just about every style, era, and category.
I'm more a fan of independent films. Hollywood blockbusters tend to bore me. If it's got a big name actor in it and it's being promoted at Burger King then I'm not going to really be that interested in seeing it.I'm drawn more towards well directed, well written, films that have something to say. I tend to enjoy a lot of ..aries and on cable I usually catch most of the movies I like on IFC and Sundance.
Which Trainspotting Character Are You?
The Office (British version) is the greatest television show ever produced! Besides that I shy away from network (read commercial) TV. For the most part I watch mostly sports, movies, and reality based programing.
I enjoy reading and always have a book going at any given time. However, I read in spurts, I'll blast through a few books quickly and then slow down. Right now I'm in a bit of a reading lull, I have trouble finding things I'm interested in but for the most part I enjoy nonfiction. Biographies, historical accounts, etc.
I'm a firm believer that you need to look inside for that.