I'm not perfect. I'm a very outgoing person trying to enjoy life as much as possible. But I also have goals and am constantly working towards them. I have the greatest friends any girl can ask for.
Meet My SISJ Friends
Meet my hot friend Melissa. She is single and I'm currently taking applications for those interested in dating a gorgeous, intelligent, funny, and charming woman with "long legs". Only apply if you are fun, have a good job, and aren't socially awkward. This is an equal opportunity and applicants will not be rejected based on height, ethnicity, or weight.
Meet Mary. She is hot as well. However she has a boyfriend who lives in Houston. She is one funny girl and there's never a quiet or dull moment with her. She is apart of the Tran Clan and I am aspiring to be apart of it. My audition date is still TBD.
Meet Val. Everyone wishes they can be as hot and skinny as Val. My life's goal is to be as skinny as her. She lives in San Diego with her boyfriend Angelu-boo-boo and new puppy Ari Schmedium. She is my closest SISJ girl in SoCal... I'd feel so lonely if she wasn't down here.
More Friends' postings to come...