Ça y est!!! Le premier épisode des Skirtboarders au mexique est ENFIN en ligne! Je n'en dit pas plus, malgré mon excitation, et je vous invite à aller visionner l'épisode 1 dès maintenant sur les ondes de 33mag.tv !
That's it!!! The first episode of " Les Skirtboarders au Mexique " is finally online! I don't tell you more, even though I'm really exicted, and I invite you all to watch episode #1 right now on 33mag.tv !
EPISODE 01 - with english subtitles
EPISODIO 01 - con subtÃtulos en español
Les Skirtboarders sont nées en 2002, un été Montréalais chaud et humide qui rassembla près d'une douzaine de skateuses. Issues des 4 coins du Canada, elles décidèrent de se regrouper pour aller dévaler les rues, prendre des photos, filmer et parfois même boire une bière ou se faire à dîner ensemble... Depuis, plusieurs jeunes recrues ont joint la troupe et le crew ne cesse de grandir. Surveillez-les, car elles ne tiennent pas en place plus d'une seconde!!
Skirtboarders is a crew based in Montréal. The summer of 2002 brought them all together at the same time in the same city. They shared the same passions: skateboarding, going downhill, taking pictures, sharing good laughs around dinner and beers ... Since then, the troop keeps on growing every year. Check them out 'cause they don't stay still!
Skirtboarders in Mexico (video), Part 2: Zapotlanejo, Zapopan y Aguascalientes."
Chica Rider (March 2008)
Interview with Mathilde Pigeon on the Chica Rider's website"
Chica Rider (March 2008)
Skirtboarders in Mexico (video), Part 1: Mexico City."
Chica Rider (March 2008)
Interview with a few Skirtboarders on "Plus Sur Commande"
Musique Plus (january 2008)
Interview with a few Skirtboarders on "Maine Video Activists Network"
Maine TV Show (summer 2007)
The Skirtboarders Crew on board-ladies.com
Web Magazine about girls & extreme sports)
Chicks Flip Out Contest on WWW.33MAG.COM
(Web Magazine & Web TV)
Annie Guglia on ADN-X
(TV Show - Summer 2006)
Skirtboarders did the cover of the Hour!!
(Weekly Newspaper - Sizzling Summer Issue - June 2006)
Skirtboarders on the cover of the Mirror
(Weekly Newspaper - Noise Maker 2006 Issue)
Article on Mathilde Pigeon in the Mirror
(Weekly Newspaper - Noise Maker 2006 Issue)
Montréal spot check on The Girls Skateboarding Network
(Female Skateboarders Oriented Website)
Article about the skirtboarders in Shameless Magazine
(Female Oriented Magazine - Summer 2005 Issue)