00197 ROMATEL.+39.06.80692613
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FRIDAY, 25th JULY - CAVEA - h. 21.00
Seven years after her lastexhibition in Rome Björk Gudmundsdottir,in art Björk, is coming back in concert inthe capital.
Fondazione Musica per Roma is pleased topresent, in its spectacular Cavea of theAuditorium Parco della Musica, the singerfrom Island in concert for the first dateof the Italian "Volta Tour."
After Korea, Japan, China, England,Ireland and Germany, Friday July 25, forLuglio Suona Bene Review 2008, Björk willperform songs from her new album, "Volta".With her new work, Bjork returns to moreenergetic sound, with particular attentionto the texts and political issues.
Songs like "Earth Intruders" or "DeclareIndependence" poetically illustrate herposition against humanity increasinglyinclined to exploit the earth and shape itaccording to its needs. Artists likeTimbaland (co-producer of JustinTimberlake, Nelly Furtado and Madonna),Antony Hagarty (of Antony & The Johnson)and Konono No. 1 have collaborated withher to the new project. The latter twohave been repeatedly guests of FondazioneMusica per Roma.“I’m always looking for words that havesome sort of energy. Usually the titlejust comes from a magazine or somebodysays something. I had waited for yearswhile working on the album, but it didn’tcome…But I’ve found the word “Volta†... Idon’t recall how it came about, but IGoogled it and found that it is both thename of a scientist in Italy who inventedthe battery, and also a river in Africawhich had been built by men and a lagoonbuilt by men called Lake Volta. So severalparts come into it. I’m not doping to nameanything specific, people can guess forthemselves what it is. There is also amedieval dance which carries this name, avery funny dance which is very hard tolearn. Thusly I got, a lot of things inone word: a dance, a river in Africa whichdoesn’t work anymore, and the batteryâ€.Bjork
warm up : Ricardo Villalobos
After show will be announcedsoon
****** Tickets are sold out**********website www.auditorium.com.
1 euro of the ticket pricewill be donated to Unicef
Fonazione Musica per Roma inassociation with:
Dnf booking crew & circoloco +Dissonanze
CARL COX - 11th July 08ROME
A musical ambassador since he wasin short trousers, a professional DJ sincehis early teens, a veteran of acid houseand a champion of techno, Carl Cox emits alove of his work that is dangerouslyinfectious. Check him when he's behind theturntables and you can't mistake hisecstatic visage, dripping with sweat ashis head bobs up and down to the beat, hishands pumping the air whenever they're notmanipulating the turntables, his bodyswaying back and forth, frequently takingto the mike to share word on the latestunderground tune he's about to break. Youname it, Carl's been there and done it,but he's never lost sight of the point ofit: playing music, breaking tunes,spreading love, celebrating life.In 1977, aged 15, Carl got a set ofturntables and began working as a mobileDJ. Disco was the first music thatcaptivated him but by the early 80s Coxhad moved on to playing the same music asother young London DJs - rare groove, NewYork hip-hop and electro. He was perfectlyplaced to hear Chicago house music in itsearliest forms, and when the epic 'AcidTrax' by Phuture (a.k.a. DJ Pierre) cameout in early '87, "I was just 'This isit.' I would do my parties, and I'd playold rare groove and hip hop and soul and Iwould say 'Right you've got to hear thisPhuture track and people would just stop.It's funny because all the people whothought I had freaked out then are thepeople who are making the music now."As a founder of the sound, Carl rode theexploding British rave scene. He playedthe opening night of Danny Rampling'slegendary Shoom, co-promoted The Projectwith Paul Oakenfold, held a residency atthe Zap Club in Brighton and at theSunrise rave in 1988, hooked up a thirdturntable for his dawn-breaking set, got15,000 kids back on their feet, andestablished a personal rep for three-deckwizardry.The next step was to make music, andCarl's 1991 debut single for PaulOakenfold's Perfecto label, 'I Want You,'gave him a top 30 hit and a Top of thePops appearance. Two more singles alsomade the charts. But Carl was a reluctantpop star and as the masses moved ontofluffy house and trance, and the hardcorecreated jungle, Cox retreated into theclub world that had nurtured him andinstead embraced the underground sounds oftechno. "Techno drives home somewhere," hesays of his core music. "It takes you toan element of surprise, not knowing whereyou're going. It's scary but wonderful atthe same time."Carl’s classic releases include his 1995mix CD, 'F.A.C.T.', which became a technobenchmark, selling over 250,000 copies andCarl’s 1996 EP 'Two Paintings and a Drum'again broke the British top 30. AlongsideCarl’s ‘Ultimate Music Management’company, which counted Josh Wink andLaurent Garnier among 27 clients, therewas the Ultimatum record label, for whichCox recorded his third top 30 UK single'Sensual Sophis-ti-cat.' In 2005, Carl’sthird album, ‘The Second Sign’ caused astir across Europe and reached number 3 inSpain’s national chart. Also gainingcritical acclaim was speaker freaker‘Dirty Bass’ a collaboration withChristian Smith and the funky ‘Give Meyour love’, both released on 23rd CenturyRecords, an outlet for his own burgeoningproduction output.After forming Intec Records in 1999, thelabel went on to score a series ofunderground hits. Continuing his missionto conquer the entire world, seeing asCarl Cox Global radio show’s audiencefigures have reached 2 million perweekend, it’s little wonder Kiss 100 FMrecently head-hunted Carl as a figureheadfor their re-launch. Global’s worldsyndication has dominated airwaves in theprime-time slots of some of the world’spremier radio stations for nearly 3 years,running weekly across twenty countries,including America, Argentina, Turkey,Romania and Lebanon. Carl made atriumphant return to Kiss with a showentirely dedicated to new music. Guestsinclude Sven Vath, Jaques Lu Cont and JoshWink with label profiles on Buzzin’ Fly,International Deejay Gigolos and Somaamongst others.To celebrate the 50th release on Intec,Carl was the recent cover star ofrespected dance institution DJ magazine.The occasion was also marked by two freshCarl Cox productions on the label –‘Spoon’ and ‘K’Pasa’, the former a tributeto Carl’s friend Mark Spoon (of Jam andSpoon fame) who sadly passed away. Onthe style of the tracks, Carl explains,“Spoon’ is a deep, melodic, track withstrings and ‘K’Pasa’ is a more druggy,tribal track. They might not be thein-sound of today, but it’s what I like.â€This year marked the fifth anniversary ofCarl Cox at Space, Ibiza. Never one toplay it safe, the line up was reliablyvaried, with Carl fast cementing a statusas an ambassador for all things eclectic,as he states: “It was as varied as theyear before, with Josh Wink, LaurentGarnier, and Francois Kevorkian on onehand then people like LTJ Bukem, FatboySlim and Adam Freeland on the other, toname but a few. As with last year weproved you can have funk, soul, Latin,jazz, d&b - anything. It doesn’t just haveto be house.†The 2006 season did not goun-noticed through the night winning ‘BestIbiza night’ at the Ibiza DJ Awards.2006 also marks the third year his ‘CarlCox And Friends’ concept took to the Ahoyfestival in Holland, which was, Carl says,“A celebration of electronic music, with12,000 of his friends in tow.†Striving totake his showmanship to a higher level,Carl explains the full on- stageexperience: “It isn’t like one DJperforming for twelve hoursâ€, he says,“it’s a combination of great production,the best possible music and a real elementof performance like a live drummer,vocalist or guitar player on stage. It’sas big as a traditional rock concert, onlyled by a DJ.â€Carl’s dedication to giving the fanssomething more than a man and twoturntables is clearly one reason he wasgiven top billing at the massive Coachellafestival in California, alongside Madonna,Massive Attack and Franz Ferdinand. Mostrecently in August 2006 Carl in returnedto his native London as the host andofficial patron of the SW4 festival, where20,000 happy ravers lost it to Carl’sheadline set.
Every Monday morning from June to Octoberhedonistic clubbers are lured to DC10 forthe carnival-like atmosphere of CircoLoco, the all-day long afterhours startedby Italians Antonio and Andrea Pelino backin 1999. Circo Loco means crazy circus andit's the party where the beautifullywasted come together in Ibiza. Besides thecolourful characters (some might even saycaners) who make Circo Loco what it is,there are also its resident DJs who spinunderground house and techno alongside theinternational guest DJs who hound Andreaand co. for an invitation toplay.
Sorry we are circoloco!
ENTRANCE • 30E + 3E d.p.
Other Events
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28 mar 2008
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19 apr 2008
circoloco@warehouse tania vulcano@ manchester---
24 apr 2008
circoloco rome 08 @ salone dellefontane @ roma---
30 apr 2008
[email protected] @amsterdam---
30 apr 2008
circoloco@cocoricoluciano+cirillo+guest @ riccione---
30 apr 2008
circoloco@silo tania+pedro @belgium---
2 mag 2008
circoloco@mamaia tania+zip+arpiar@ costanza(rumenia)---
17 mag 2008
circoloco japan 08 tania vulcano@ tokio---
26 mag 2008
circoloco@pacha andreapelino bdayparty @ ibiza---
2 giu 2008
circoloco@dc10 opening partysummer 08! @ ibiza---
PEDRO(Petre inspirescu)
In his home town of Bucharest,Romania, Petre Inspirescu aka Pedro haslong been a pivotal figure alongside hisfrequent accomplices Raresh and Rhadoo. Hestarted djing in 1999 in a small clubcalled Web Club. In the last two years,his appearances in Ibiza and throughoutEurope have brought his name to manylisteners' lips, heightening interest inthe fertile Romanian scene-an unexpectedoutpost of advanced electronic music.From the very beginning Pedro has beenstrongly affected by deep house tunes andthe multitude variety of grooves - notonly in electronic music. His DJ sets areas sonically baffling as they areirresistibly groovy, as a producer histracks are as unhinged as they aremethodical.In 2003 start like a new resident at thelegendary party
circoloco@dc10 ibiza.2007 became an important year for Pedro asproducer, he started to release tracks onVinylclub Records, and together with hismates Raresh and Rhadoo they founded theirown label [a:rpia:r] - becoming aplayground not only for the creative triobut also for equally talented youngartists from Romania.
Dj Rhadoo (Radu Cilinca) made hisdebut as a DJ in 1995. His first gigsconsisted of nights at Club A and StudioMartin, Bucharest, Romania. His eccentricstyle and personality has helped him earna reputation as a top-class DJ in hisnative country of Romania. Rhadoo’sdedication and talent earned him the bestRomanian DJ Award in 2003, 2004 and 2005at the annual Nights.ro Awards.In 2003, MTV Romania Music Awardsacknowledged him as their top pick in theDJ category. His skill and hard workresulted in residencies at clubs like ClubA, The Office, Karma, Zerrilos, DC10(Ibiza), The Mission (best event promotersfrom Romania). Promoters have constantlyrewarded him with warm up slots because ofhis programming and track selection.Rhadoo has opened up for many world classDJs including John Digweed, Lee Burridge,Carl Cox, Sasha, Richie Hawtin, Jimmy VanM, James Zabiella, Seb Fontaine, X-Press2, Sister Bliss, Danny Rampling, SandraCollins etc.His increasing reputation has landed himgigs at the Love Parade, Berlin (Germany)in 1999 and 2003, East Power - SanktPetersburg (Russia); not to mention hisconstant touring within Romania. In 2003 start like a new resident at thelegendary party circoloco@dc10 ibiza. Rhadoo has also proved his productionskills, having released two singles(Liquid1 - Mouse in House 2 and Wicked -Mouse in House 4), which was included oncompilations. He has successfully remixedtwo of the best local bands (Omul cuSobolani and Sue Paparude).in the lastyear rhadoo start within pedro in projectaf the new rumenian label:ar.pia.r. rec.into produced her lasttracks.
Raresh was born in Bacau ,Romania,in 1984. he living in Bucharestfor the past three years. Always attractedto music he began spinning the decks atthe age of 15 in a small club in hisnative town. Raresh was very eager tolearn and listen to as much music aspossible. Soon he gained the residency inthe most important electronic music clubin Bacau, where he played every weekend.After he moved in Bucharest, in 2003,Raresh faced the romanian capital's nightlife. It felt like a big challenge to animportant progress in his career becausethis was the headquarters of romanianclubbing scene. His talent was the factthat distinguished him from the othersyoung romanian DJs so that he was invitedto play at the Black Sea beach parties inthe summer of 2004.Raresh believes that one of the strongestmoments of his life was entering theSunrise Booking Agency. It was the chancefor his career to take off. In the lastyeras, he had the opportunity to playwarm-up for the artists he admired. He gota full summer residency for all theSunrise events at the Black Sea Coast andIbiza too like ,Cocoon and dc-10,whitoutforget the the hosting at last LoveParade.He shared decks with:Villalobos,Tania Vulcano RichieHawtin,Luciano, , Steve Bug, Josh Wink,Pascal FEOS, Zip, Marc Houle, Pier Bucci,Vera & Dorian Paic. And this was just thebeginning.
Born in a small village in theheart of St Croix, Luciano akaLucien-N-Luciano spends his first years inSwitzerland, which he departs in thesummer of 1988 to follow his mothers'roots to Santiago, Chile. Not only thedistance in miles, but the distance inmusic cultures between these twocontinents intrigues and seduces thetwelve year old and soon he starts to playwhat was going to be his very firstinstrument and a critical influence in hismuiscal career - the spanish Guitar.Luciano used the guitar as a tool to learnthe fundamentals of melody and rhythm, hisself learnt skills were practiced in localbands. Surrounded by latin rhythms andrich melodies, he develops a strongcuriosity for a diversity of music stylesand soon after, in one of his trips backto Europe, experiences the machine soundsof techno as it made waves across Europeduring the early years of rave culture andacid house movement.Soon enough, he began to fusion bothworlds thousands of miles apart andincorporate the sound into his own style.When a small electronic scene began torise in Chile in 1994 and at the age of16, Luciano and other Chilean friends,Ricardo Villalobos, Dandy Jack aka MartinSchopf, Adrian Schopf organized andpromoted several events in Chile. Due tothe slow development of the scene inSantiago and the lack of elements thatwould support the scene such as musicmagazines and the appropriate clubs toplay in, he decides to return to hisnative Switzerland in 2001 and expand andexplore his fascination with electronicmusic and sound engineering.A year after, Luciano begins to travelwidely playing as a DJ and live act, andever since one can hear his melodies inclubs throughout the world. He hasreleased on labels such as Perlon, Klang,Transmat, Mental Groove, Max Ernst,Bruchstuecke and Peacefrog - not to forgetCadenza, his own label. His project nameLucien-N-Luciano is used to portray theslower downbeat productions while theproductions under his own name Luciano areaimed towards pleasure on the dancefloor.Luciano's music is widely appreciatedbecause of its graceful melodies, love fordetail and colorful patterns merging intoan amazing rhythm one can enjoy at home orin a club. Rhythms rise and fall like agentile tide of bubbly ocean, big stringarrangements spread across vast expansesof air, while a micro burst of sound popout from under the smooth, texturizedgrooves.
When looking for a place that playselectronic music in Eastern Germany, atthe top of the list you will find theDistillery club in Leipzig. For MatthiasTanzmann the Distillery has specialimportance, as since 1997 he has beenresident DJ there, providing thesoundtrack for Leipzig nightlife for morethan a decade.From the beginning Matthias’ musicaloutput has revolved around more than justfunctional club music, regardless ofwhether it’s on the turntables or in thestudio. Combining subtle arrangements thatride the deep vibes that lie between Houseand Techno, yet never forgetting the drivefor the dance floor - that is whatMatthias Tanzmann’s music is about.Together with Daniel Scholz he recorded asGamat 3000 at the end of the 90’s, andwith releases on Dessous Recordings,Freude am Tanzen and FM Musik they quicklymade a name for themselves in the GermanHouse scene.In 2000 Matthias founded Moon HarbourRecordings and made his debut as a soloartist. In parallel to the success of thelabel and Gamat 3000, he also quicklybecame one of the most frequently bookedGerman House DJ’s. He later becameresident DJ at the clubs Flokati (Munich),Monza (Frankfurt), Le Club (Valencia) andDC10 (Ibiza) - playing gigs from Moscow toBarcelona, Paris to London, Tokyo toSydney to New York. Also as host of MoonHarbour Flights at the Distillery,Matthias invites other internationallyrenowned DJ’s to play alongside him inLeipzig.Collaboration with other artists is alsovery important for Matthias. Together withSteve Bug or Daniel Stefanik, he hasproduced various EPs, drawing inspirationfrom the new dynamics and sounds that thecollaborative process can create.While over the years his tracks havedeveloped from classical Deep House with aEuropean edge, through to Minimal Housebordering on ambitious Techno, groove anddeepness were and still are the essentialelements of Matthias Tanzmann’smusic.
The fermenting partenopean culture,particularly marked Davide's personalityand in 1995 the techno scene met thepassion for his sound innovation. When hewas 18 to broad his knowledge acquired inNapless underground he moved to London,the social-cultural capital city of theelectronic-music. Here he start to producehis first work with a few machines, theywere studies on instrumentsfunctionalities and their range of use,and his first work was published byPRIMATE and soon AUDIO and CONTRASTpublished some Ep. In 1999 Davide wentback to Naples and he started to play nowand than. For two years he stopped toproduce to study sound engineering. Hishigh-quality technical knowledge allowedhis talent to fully express itself and tobring out unques- tionable quality works.DESIGN MUSIC first, then CONFORM, pro-duced some of them, earning excellentjudgments in international reviews. Davidewas not able to put up with the filtersthat the labels placed on his sonorities,though. He therefore decided to set up inthe SKETCH project, to be finally free tore-create his tastes. Three yars after hestarted his second label, MINISKETCH, forthe more minimalist productions. DavideSquillace is also known as erikOtanabE, analterego born under the necessity ofassembling different kind of beats,beingmore free on the choise ofsounds&samples.his tracks are a mix ofminimaltekandglitch house, resulting insomething enjoyable in a club as much asin your house while cooking somepasta...After some releases for MORRISAUDIO, MORRIS CITY SPORT, IRMA and otherlabels; he decided to start a more houzyand glitchy label with some friends: theTITBIT.
Born in Germany Thomas Melchiorpartly was raised in the USA, Spain andfinally England. There in 1982 Thomasfinished his high school years at theWaldorf school in Sussex. At school healso started his musical career ascomposer /singer and keyboarder beforemoving to London where he soon formed hisfirst Jazzfunk five-piece band (BlipvertBigtop). Releasing records on his ownLabel (Earworm) they performed in Londonwarehouses, clubs and pubs.After getting married and becoming aFather, Thomas's next project Ohmexperimented with and fused electronic andfunkadelic sounds with Soul and Jazz.Catching the attention of the likes ofAfrica Bambaata, Acid Jazz and TalkingLoud's Gilles Peterson. Ohm's "Heady VoltExperience EP" had a strong influence onthe later emerging trip hop scene (JamesLavelle, Mo Wax often mentioning it as ablueprint).But times were a changing and Melchiormoved on to pioneer and explore othermoods and grooves. With the arrival of acomputer, he began to discover the worldof reduced music making, leading him towork and hang out with weird beat masterJ. Saul Kane (Depth Charge, Bomb TheBase), introducing him to the early LondonAcid House and warehouse underground. Hehooked up with people like Peter "Baby"Ford, Mark Moore, Big Audio Dynamite, CarlCraig etc… soonhe was on his way to making tripped outElectronica.In '92 Thomas hooked up with multiinstrumentalist Tim Hutton and startedrecording as Vulva/Yoni. Quickly Vulvacaught the attention of the Aphex Twin'sRichard James and his Rephlex label, whopromptly released the now legendary "FromThe Cockpit" album. Vulva/YONI basked inthe lights of success releasing records onSan Fransisco's Reflective and Germany'sSource Records as well as giggingalongside Armando, Aphex Twin, Black Dog(Plaid), Autechre, Global Communication,Orbital etc.As the years went by Thomas' musicalinterests shifted towards producing moreminimal deep- and tracky style House tunesand after touring the USA as member ofLady Miss Kiers' (Dee Lite) band, Thomasmoved to New York in 1996 familiarizinghimself with some of the American Houseand Techno scene before returning toLondon in '97 to work with old friendPeter Ford.With the releases quickly mounting undervarious pseudonyms namely Deepah,Sunpeople, Soul Capsule (all Trelik),Ifach Collective, M-core (all Ifach) etc.,Thomas established himself as a pioneer ofMinimal House.His more personal London speed garageinfluenced deep hypnotic and sexy microhouse cuts set a new manifesto on hislabel Aspect Music in 2000. His sound soonwas reaching cult status, being supportedby producers/DJs like Daniel Bell, LukeSolomon, Ricardo Villalobos, Akufen,Richie Hawtin etc. By now MelchiorProductions was being released on themighty Perlon and Playhouse labels inGermany.During the years Thomas also followed someof his other interests and studied tobecome a psychological Astrologer, Masseurand Sculptor.Finally in 2003 Thomas moved from Londonto Berlin after having set up a secondhome in Brasil where he now has a newfamily. Throughout Thomas's career he hasstayed dedicated to the underground,maintaining a low profile, allowing him tostay clear of trends and thus remaining,after more than 20 years of musicproduction, at the cutting edge ofmusic.
Clive Henry may be better known asone half of Peace Division. Through thesuccess of their highly acclaimedproductions, Peace Division are nowconsidered amongst England's finestproduction and remixing teams!An overnight success? Not!! Clive has beenclubbing for over 14 years and a DJ forover 11 years. After a couple of yearsregularly attending London’s now legendaryShoom, Spectrum and Queens, he startedrunning and playing at his own successfulparties called Gosh: which he co-promotedalongside Rocky (X-Press 2/Problem Kids).Soon Rocky's production talents took off,so one of Europe's infamous club promotersCharlie Chester stepped in to help! As Gosh came to a close after an eventfuland successful 3 years, Clive re-unitedwith Rocky and new boy Lofty (Flying /Chilli Funk Records) to start a new nightcalled 'The Bone' which was just asnotorious as the Gosh nights. Regularguest DJs at The Bone included DavidHolmes, Ashley Beedle, and Bob Jones amongother legendaries.As the parties grew in stature so didClive's reputation as a DJ. He soon foundhimself gracing the decks at Flying at theSoho Theatre Club, Full Circle, Basics(Leeds), Venus (Nottingham) and Cream, toname but a few. International bookingshave taken him to Ibiza, Israel, Crete,Majorca, Malta, Mexico, Portugal, Prague,Amsterdam, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Japan,Australia and America.As one of the original Flying Recordscrew, Clive left the shop after 6 years topursue a promising recording career. Hisfirst effort in the studio resulted in theseminal 'Amber Groove' under the guise ofSAS. This track, first released in 1991,is still being played today and featuresin many a DJ's all time top 10!Other production work came under the namesHalf, Syndromedia, The Pain Gang, and MindBecomes Drum (with Full Circles PhilPerry). As time went by these productionsmade way for a deeper sound: a realturning point being when he heard the tune'Painkiller' by Slack (Sabres ofParadise). Clive pulled out all the stopsto find out who was responsible, theperson in question being Justin Drake: nowhis partner in Peace Division and SoulPurpose.Clive and Rocky formed the record labelLow Pressings in 1996, originally as anoutlet for the Soul Purpose and PeaceDivision productions. Now with nearly 50releases in the bag, the label isconsidered one of the most highlyrespected underground dance labels in theUK and has released tracks byH-Foundation, 6400 Crew, Spacejunk, Flow,Autonomous Soul, Da Sun Lounge, M Trax,Def-E, Marcelo Castelli and countlessothers. The label has gone from strengthto strength and is now launching a newsub-label called Room 4 Recordings. Thefirst release is due out in December 2001.As well as recording for his own label,Peace Division have released tracksthrough Camouflage (USA), Hooj, and JBO.Remixes have included Moby's 'NaturalBlues', Trancesetters 'Roaches', Katcha's'Touched By God' (this being DannyTenaglia's final record at the MiamiWinter Music Conference 2000, and Rui DaSilva's 'Touch Me' (which reached no. 1inthe UK national chart). Their mixcompilation aptly entitled 'PeaceProcess'’ was released through TideRecordings to much acclaim.The last year has seen Clive and PeaceDivision spiral into the spotlight. Theirlong-awaited album 'Junkyard Funk' wasreleased in June 2000 with props from DJsworldwide. Danny Tenaglia reported "Neverbefore have I played so many tracks by thesame artist in one night!". Peace Divisioncame up with the goods again with theirrecently released - Body and Soul’ andhave just compiled a new 4 track EPentitled 'Droppin Deep' which promises tobe their biggest release to date! Othercurrent projects include a remix of Lamband a compilation for NRK's Nightlifeseries, which will be released early in2002.Clive is now resident at London's'Elements' hosted by Hooj Choons as wellas spinning at Fabric, The End, Cream,Renaissance, Alaska, you get the picture!Overseas, Clive has already spun this yearat Toronto, New York, Miami, SanFrancisco, Montreal, San Diego, Dallas,Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Eilat, Tokyo, HongKong, Peru, Buenos Aires, Rotterdam,Denmark, Switzerland, Madrid, Portugal,Ibiza and the infamous Circo Loco at DC10where he was resident. Forthcoming gigsinclude tours of South Africa andAustralia!
Who's That Girl?Tania Vulcano was born in Uruguay, but haslived in Ibiza for the last 8 years. Thistalented DJ is very well known on theisland and has rapidly gained inBarcelona.Tania’s career began around eight yearsago, at small clubs in Palma de Mallorca,but it was upon reaching Ibiza that shebegan to make a name for herself. The lasttwo summer seasons have been speciallyimportant since Circo Loco at DC10 wasconsidered the best and most undergroundparty on the island. Here Tania has hadthe opportunity to spin alongsideTenaglia, Mr C , Fatboy Slim, TerryFarley, amongst others.Muzik magazine(UK) comments in it’s‘Saints & Sinners’ September 2001 issue: “It may come as a surprise to you, butmembers of Muzik’s staff in Ibizasometimes find themselves tired andemotional. DC 10 ressie Miss Vulcano, hasproven to be something of a Godsend inthis respect, giving new energy to tiredlimbs with her after hours blend ofTenaglian funk on a Monday morning.â€Tania’s style goes from Deep, Funky Houseto Tribal filled with percussion. Herenergy is evident in each session and shewins crowds over with the incessant baseof the best underground music! This summershe will spend driving Space and CircoLoco’s dancefloor mad and playing at topclubs in Europe. Winter will be filledwith more travelling in North and SouthAmericaTania is beginning work in the studio,andapart from mixing 2 important compilationsthis year(Circoloco Part 2 and DiscotequeSound Track for Life), she has beganexploring the production aspect of hercareer. We eagerly await the release ofher track ‘Criminal Groove’, out on StompRecordings(Spain) in August, which she hasdone in collaboration with Jose de Divinaand is already creating quite a stir inIbiza this summer.Tania Vulcano is currently synonymous ofquality underground house music all overthe world and her career is on a steeprise!!!!!And don..t forget Tania isCIRCOLO!.
Alessandro Di Maria aka Sossa issurely one of the highest representative of the italian undergroundDJ scene. Since 1994 he begins to assert being resident DJ atNove Nove Club of Riccione, legendary Sunday morningafter-hour of the italian Riviera. After success in top italian clubs likeFitzcarraldo, Cocoricò, Mazoom, Kamakama, he jumps into the internationalDJ scene performing in clubs like , "The end" and "Pacha" in London,"Mint" in Leeds, "Arena" in Berlin, etc.,settlingas solid resident DJ at DC10 in Ibiza for several years. Since 5 yearshe dedicated body and soul to music productions.he produced on threedifferent labels,the first one on vinyl clubrec.:"rossobarberea","soundtracks","jurassick","vignola" and "miscellanous";also on La terrarec."la torraccia","svirgola", "colomba","obesaic".On minisketch rec.thelast two tracks "pinanza andai" and "jurassickremix
Dj Renè, born and grow up in the outskirtsof Rome. From when he was a child, hebought and collected records until 1999when he moved to Ibiza. Thanks to hisincisive temper, he succeeds to enter inthe circoloco's crew. In the island he'snow known thanks to his famousafterparties that go on 24 hourstoo.
“It’s the first day of the rest ofyour life†sings Brian Molko on the firstsingle to Timo Maas’ second albumPictures. Sounds like the motto of thisthirty-six-year-old DJ and producer – feetfirst in the moment and way ahead in hismind. For almost twenty-five years andduring thousands of DJ-sets Timo Maas hasturned energy into ecstasy, mixing acongenial and cohesive Dance-combinationfor the soundtrack to the perfect party –drawing on eclectic ingredients from HipHop to Alternative and R&B. Despite allthat, Timo Maas feels he is more craftsmanthan alchemist, never resting on hislaurels, and always re-inventing himself.Most importantly: He does not spinrecords, he more than anything creates hissound. Restless, untiring, worldwide.Preferably all night long, at least forfour to five hours, more trip than trial –and in June 2006 even as the opening actfor Depeche Mode in Warsaw. At the peak ofthe excitement, floor filled and audiencescreaming, Timo Maas will say somethinglike: “I think I’ll really get them goingin about twenty minutes or so.†The look ahead and both ears to the groundhave achieved a lot for thistelecommunications-engineer from Hanover:From the local Discotheque in the Eightiesto popular residencies in The End (“bestvenue“, Time Out Live Award, London), thenew Pacha in New York and the DC 10 onIbiza in 2006. From high-profile remixesand a proud Grammy-nomination to a wholelot of original productions, twoartist-albums and his own label 99Percent. “I approach every gig, everysingle set and everything I produce, as ifthey were my lastâ€, says Timo Maas, whosename, by the way, is neither a pseudonymnor an acronym (even though “a ThousandIncredible Moments Of Music And AuralSensations†would fit). “All of this isonly possible, because I believe a hundredpercent in what I’m doing. I love my job!†This quality is evident at sunrise whenTimo Maas is yet again the “last manstanding†after eight hours behind thedecks, but even more so when he gets backfrom deejaying in Toronto or Tokyo andlocks himself in a studio on his farm withthe vinyl-barn to record a new mix. Thatway the ecstasy of the night transformsonce again into the energy of the DJ. Andthis in turn benefits all of his remixesand productions. Numerous singles, mixesand albums have made Timo Maas, always incollaboration with his sound-designerMartin Buttrich, a household name farbeyond the dance-world. In the summer of2006 the dream-team will reunite onceagain to start work on new material. Theywill also select and direct newproductions for his label 99 Percent,which takes its name from an almostall-encompassing vinyl-release policy. “Ilove spinning vinyl, and I still do somost of the timeâ€, says Timo Maas. “Mylabel should definitely reflect that.â€Another obsession the label and itsstrategy reflect is the ambitiouscuriosity of the simpatico sound-seeker –aquality which also manifests itself in theever greater new tracks by his protégésLoco Dice and eighteen year old DanielTaylor (M.O.R.D.) for other labels. “Ilove it, when I do not fulfil preconceivednotions and expectationsâ€, emphasises TimoMaas, “but rather exceed them.†In doingso, he stays true to another one of hismaxims: expect theunexpected.
Mirko started when he was 17 yearsold and quickly got noticed for hismusical inspiration, sounds from Detroitand Chicago. He worked as a planner ofprogramm and resident DJ on famousnational radio Couleur 3 during 3 yearsand started to mix in Loft electroclubfrom the opening in 1998 to build up aname and reputation that are wellestablished today.Mirko also has a solid experience on theinternational scene, he played inprestigious clubs like the rex in Paris,the an-fer in Dijon, the Cova and the moogin Barcelona, the Mazzo in Amsterdam, themythical club Cielo in New York, andespecially at the Detroit Electronic MusicFestival (d.e.m.f 2001) organised by CarlCraig, who invited Mirko for the secondedition. He also played a few times in theMatrix in Zurich (belonging to Sven Väthand Leila from Dekadance) and at the 2004WMC.In 2003, Mirko left for New York where hewas offered a residency at the New York club Tronic Treatment in Soho, clubwhich invites regularely Matthew Dear,Richie Hawtin, Christian Smith and manymore major artists of the electronicscene.He comes back in Switzerland in 2004 andthe Loft Electroclub offers him the job ofartistic programmer.In 2005 he met Raphael Ripperton, theyboth discovered musical affinities in eachother’s works and started to work veryquickly on a studio project which becameLazy Fat People, played and supported byCarl Craig and James Holden and whichfirst EP was released early 2006 on BorderCommunity, James Holden’s label. In 2006,the duet will be signed on Mathew JonsonWagon Repair label and on the veryprestigious Planet E., Carl Craig’s label.Nowadays, aside from the Lazy Fat Peopleproject and his regular sets accrossEurope, Mirko is still in charge of theartistic program of the Loft Electrocluband is well supported by his mentors, CarlCraig, Derrick May and Laurent Garnier.Nowadays, musically oriented to all newsorts of modern’s grooves between minimal,jacking and electro, Mirko remains one ofthe sure values of the swissscene
summer is coming circoloco@dc10!
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Every Monday morning from June to October hedonistic clubbers are lured to DC10 for the carnival-like atmosphere of Circo Loco, the all-day long afterhours started by Italians Antonio and Andrea Pelino back in 1999. Circo Loco means crazy circus and it's the party where the beautifully wasted come together in Ibiza. Besides the colourful characters (some might even say caners) who make Circo Loco what it is, there are also its resident DJs who spin underground house and techno alongside the international guest DJs who hound Andrea and co. for an invitation to play.