Icarusmelting profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I was allergic to anything as a child and am still intolerant of peanuts and mispronunciations of advertisement and aluminum. I have been employed as a waiter, an assistant of teachers, a guarder of lives, and been given a crash course in hourly economics by a cadre of bleary-eyed late shift, organized warehouse employees. I am the person who provides wishes and smiles on dreary days by dropping pennies whenever I get them. The most valuable material thing I own is a Bob Ross painting. I like the new Star Trek more than the old. I have been branded a scholastic underachiever since elementary school (second grade report-card). On my Eighteenth birthday I was called a Pinko by Staff Seargent Billings of the United States Marine Core. My earliest memory is nausea on a merry go round. I have never played spin the bottle. The most amusing true anecdote I know involves an individual legally know as Mighty God Christ, who suffered a severe reaction when a disgruntled fellow Burger King employee spiked his Pepsi with LSD. Mighty Dog confiscated the Toy Story kids meal figures and locked himself in the freezer. There was a backup at the counter, cries from toyless kids, and complaints from cried-out parents. The disgruntled employee was temporarily gratified by the chaos. But in the end, the police were called, the suspect punished and Mighty God made a full recovery. The most amusing untrue anecdote I know involves squirrels and my mailman’s pants (his name is Vinny). My kindred spirit is a conscientious objector, named Deyja by should-have-been hippies during their hazy years. She is still traumatized because fate placed her at the same junior high school as a boy named VU, and an overzealous teacher with a penchant for pun sat them beside each other, so scheduled hilarity could ensue everyday at roll call. For shits and giggles she’s saving the world on a social workers salary, and stamping out conformity wherever she finds it. She’s gotten rich by hoarding smiles from the lonely kids for whom she’s a bit of bright. I cure depression with insomnia. I had an imaginary friend instead of a pet. I write my grocery list in code in case it’s discovered. I have a brother who’s a lawyer, a cousin who’s an exotic dancer, and an uncle who’s a fireman, so I’m pretty well covered. I enjoy shades more than colors. The meaning of life is hidden somewhere in black and white candid photographs. I have difficulty with the notion that with each passing day everything I love is slowly dying. I think you can read a person by their eyes, shoes, and behavior at a youth soccer match. I don’t understand non-alcoholic beer. I abhor apathy, narcissism, and overuse of the word “like”. I savor hotdogs in which the meat ingredients are reported on the package as having been mechanically separated. Before I die I would like to own a pair of cowboy boots, get through my lists of books to read and films to see, and complete a Rubix Cube without cheating.
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My Blog

Big Trouble In Little China...

Is a fun project to be working on.  The very occasional Spacedog related task that is not dreaded.  I forgot how much I enjoyed, or at least it is generationally engrained into my fiber, the...
Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 23:45:00 GMT

Beware of Dog

New website up and running... check it:http://www.spacedogentertainment.com
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:49:00 GMT

I’d like to think...

&that when I am obstructed from watching a viral video of monkeys throwing poop at visitors to the zoo because Internet Explorer is not responding and I subsequently decide I do want to report the pro...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:58:00 GMT


Please don't send anything to me without printing out the document from the link below, filling it out and including it with your material.  I know how hard it is to get read and it grows tiresom...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:28:00 GMT

Chuck Norris is a parody of himself... but try this

DW and I were talking about how ironic it is that the press has deemed Chuck Norris a celebrity endorser of Mike Huckabee (who compared gay marriage to bestiality& he is just stupid enough to be dange...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 00:45:00 GMT

Thank God Mr. X Has Left The Building

There is a certain consistency to my worklife whereby when a particular variable gets introduced I end up staying in the office north of seven o'clock.  Back when I got paid for overtime this was...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 00:40:00 GMT

An Inspired Moment

I am writing something that I am excited about which is not the norm as of late... I am writing a contemporary adaptation of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves, titled Forty thieves, which will probably be...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 21:02:00 GMT

Wintergreen and memories

I think about a parade of animals playing instruments with their young on their shoulders, marching in step on soft black running track like material& anyway, one persons flashback is another persons ...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 23:03:00 GMT

Beware of Dog

I realize how fortunate I am to have the job that I have when I witness the ins and outs of a regular job.  I was talking to Lauren about how much freedom we have to do fun things within the conf...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 21:56:00 GMT

Fat and Slow

I remember when I was 15 or 16 years old and playing in adult pick up leagues and getting the best of some of the older guys but thinking, "he has signs of being decent and was probably pretty good be...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 23:23:00 GMT