DRACON is dedicated to create something straight without any useless sound. We are composing and recording for our plesaure first but we are happy to know that people like our songs, for sure. The deal is simple : all songs are gonna be free and downloadable on that myspace and no CD will be available. As soon as we got new songs, we put it here for you. You can comment and give us your feeling.
DRACON is not coming from a deep concept but more from something really rocks, sometimes strong and black, sometimes soft and coloured. We don't give a shit of a possible commerciality of our work!
RAUS and Ta Mok are playing together since 2005 and Herr Pikton has just entered the band. We hope he will bring a heaviest sound to DRACON.RAUS/Ta-MoK/Herr PIKTON....cheers