Hello !!
ATN LE ROBOT is looking for inter-dependencies between sciences , music , and technologies . Born as a natural cyborg , he is convinced that there is still a lot of discoveries to make , what he is trying to achieve by creating and formatting his brain through what he funny calls "the robotomisation" , trying to find the right equation to get the robotik eternal power .
RobotikPower = f( Techno , Humour , Informatique , Fête , Dance , Visuel , Science , Energie) ???
His way of life : clubbing , raving , creating whatever visual and auditive related stuff , mixing sounds and videos , and learning how he can improve his energy and the energies around him !
As a social hobby , he is working in the telecommunication area , which is quite making a sense and giving him quite a strong skill for his research in the brain sharing area .
He is experimenting "brain sharing" , which is working quite well after the first experiments . Watch this video just below , the results are amazing !!!
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envoyé par atnrobot
To achieve "brain sharing" with somebody who has lost his brain , a brain back up has of course to be performed before . This video is done without any effects and this is the first brain back up ever caught in the world , a pure robotomisation , which is a robotik lobotomisation ! Do not be afraid and get ready for the future !
envoyé par atnrobot
Hummm ... any comments ?
More Video Experiments :
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Enjoy life as I do !
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By the way , I am a natural born cyborg !
Le cyborg 1/3
Le cyborg (2/3)
Le cyborg (3/3)