About Me
Actually, my real name is James and I am a good friend of many...Furthermore... I also value my word in the plight of Friendship for it triumphs over a frail thread of the lesser-friend that you call an acquaintance. I owe allegiance to my friends and beyond, and most of all, to GOD the creator of all that exists. I honor the archaic language of english, so if thou must, do speak to me in such a fasion...I am an American Airman, Soldier, Gamer, Musician, Artist, Linguist, Philosopher, Stargazer, Liberalist, Scientist, and a Knight... Of course, qualities define the persona.As far as my current life is concerned, I have set my motions to join the proud United States Airforce. I am a DEP at the moment and await my calling to Active Duty, which is scheduled on February of 2010 of next year. I am entering as an E3 Airman First Class and going in the field of Avionics and Air Transportation. Thus far, I am thrilled to be in the program and await orders soon... do pray for me, comrades...- I am an American Airman
- I am a Warrior
- I have answered my Nation's Call- I am an American Airman
- My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win
- I am Faithful to a Proud Heritage
- A Tradition of Honor
- And a Legacy of Valor- I am an American Airman
- Guardian of Freedom and Justice
- My Nation's Sword and Shield
- Its Sentry and Avenger
- I Defend my Country with my Life- I am an American Airman
- Wingman, Leader, Warrior
- I will Never leave an Airman behind
- I will Never Falter
- And I will Not Fail