Tomm's Bitch profile picture

Tomm's Bitch


About Me

I'm Emy.
I'm enjoying everything I'm doing right now, spending as much time as I can with my man, and earning money.
I drive a Renault, Clio :] It's cute.
I currently work full time as an Auxiliary Nurse at the Great Western Hospital until I start a three year University Diploma in September.
Everything has just completely turned around for me in the last year or so, everything is going perfectly and there is not one thing in my life that I could complain about. It's just like everything has come together, bit by bit. I'm in a really good place at the moment, and very happy :)
All I need in my life are two certain people, they've been there for me for a long time and I know I couldn't be without them. They know who they are and I love them both so much.
Nothing really needs to be said. Best friend,will never be replaced,makes me laugh non-stop, we chill and spend weeks at a time together.
Love you Hanna Banna Boo :)
I miss our weeks and weeks on end of just doing nothing, having you there when I got back from college, just chilling and having a laugh the whole time. They were the bestttt! :D
She lives with me! :)

My Interests

Anything :)
My man
I'm completely in love with you, and that will never change.. I've never met anybody like you and nothing will ever compare to what we have. I can't even express how I feel about you because my feelings are so strong :) We're completely on the same level all the time, that's one of the main things I love about you, we have the same views on pretty much everything, you're so perfect for me. You always know how I'm feeling or if something's wrong, even when I don't say anything :) Nobody's ever made me so happy, or kept me smiling like you do. I can't ever imagine being without you now. Never change, I love you.

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh, it feels like the first time, every time
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes

I'd like to meet:

Already got everyone I neeeeeeeeeeeeeed :]




You became one of my best friends in such a short time, but we were so similar that we clicked straight away. You're like a brother to me and you helped me through quite a few things. I still can't believe you're not here anymore but you were always so reliable and funny :) I've had some of the best days ever with you lad, and shared some of the funniest jokes. You're definitley one in a million. Rest in peace boy and I won't ever forget the good times :)
I actually love your sense of humour,other people don't get it but I think it's lush! haha. You're always there to talk to about everything and just to have a laugh with. You'll happily sit around college with me for hours doing nothing. Even if you do throw stuff at my head :) He's actually the best person to go to with a problem, he seems to sort stuff out so quickly. No matter how shit things get, he always cheers me up and I know he's on my side. I think he's the only person I know who doesn't judge me on what I do. I'd always stick up for him, through anything. Ily Pikey!
In a weird way, I have some kind of respect for you. I'm not sure why but you've been there for me for a long time. You've been one of my best friends through ups and downs. It's a shame I don't really get to see you as much these days, but the times I do..we're still just like best mates :) Summer holidays 2006, we were absolutley inseperable. It was such a laugh :) love you.
I never see her as much as I'd like to these days but we've shared some of the best times ever, a year of shroom & Bain Bain, Disneyland Paris and late night sleepovers :)We'll always be close and I'd have it no other way! We have our millions of inside jokes that I'd never want to share with anyone else because they just wouldn't understand in the way we do! I love you, like cheese! ;)
Rule Asia!Mitch Cox:
What a legend, no other way to describe this lad. He's one of the funniest and most down to earth people I've ever met. Sleepovers with WKD and straws :) We've been friends manyyyy years and it's shit I never get to see him anymore. Never forget tho bro, I love you :D You'll always, ALWAYS be classed as one of my best friends whatever happens!