.. ..
..I could say I love puppies, rainbows and ice cream...but then who doesn't??? I don't think that anyone truly knows me, I mean all of the stuff on the inside. Most of the time I don't really feel like I have anyone to share those things with. I don't think I am neccessarily complex, just I don't say much about the inside stuff. I am hopeful, but I also fight depression a lot of the time. I like to mix orange sherbet and chocolate ice cream. My favorite food is Mexican food!!!!! I like pizza a lot though. I don't like seafood. I like the sunrise, but hate getting up that early. Music is sorta my life, I live it and breathe it, I feel the words in my heart and the tune in my soul, especially guitar music. I am strong and push on, but on the inside I am actually fragile and get my little feelings hurt easily. I like solitude, but am desperately afraid of being alone. I think that it would be too cool to be a ghost hunter. I like ruins of old buildings, I dig big old houses and cemeteries. BOO! Halloween is my favorite day of the year. I love October, the darkness and coolness of October moves my spirit in a way I cannot explain...it always has! I never can find the time to exercise, but I really love to work out, I like to dance, I love water aerobics and swimming. If I had a pool, I would never get out of it!!! I miss riding a bicycle, playing cards and going to the beach the most from my youth. Someday, I want to have a motorcycle and ride and ride and see where I end up. I love to drive, but am about sick of being in the truck. I have the hardest time getting motivated to haul cheap freight! But once I'm rolling I hate to stop! I want to travel someday in a manner that I actually get to see some stuff, or do some stuff. I hate alcoholism, but I think it wouldn't have been that hard for me to have gone that way. I quit smoking after smoking for 100 years, but sometimes I want one. I like to talk to my friends, but I hate to answer the phone and I check my voicemail about twice a month. I like to dance around the fire and under the moon. I like to sing. I like to go to the park and swing. I like to walk in the rain as long as it's not too cold. I totally have respect for our military, but I hate war. I'm a total peace monger:-) I spent a good length of time as an Army wife. People shouldn't kill each other! We should try to spread love and peace every where we go. It only takes a second for someone to judge and hate you, but it takes time to get to know you and find out that you are an amazing individual. People, please take the time! If I were rich, my time would be divided between my kids, doing charity work, cooking and working out, I do suppose I'd sleep once in a while. Man, wouldn't that rock! .. More than anything in my life, I just want some peace in my life, to step away from all of the struggle that makes me lose sight of the important things. I have to remember to remind myself that the sun will come up tomorrow and that life is to short not to say I love you and hug someone every chance you get!!!
Create Your Own!
In Memory of
Scot & Judith RhoadsFounders of NMR Mag and former owners of the once amazing Mystic Moon bookstore.Teachers and friendsWe miss you!
Your Life Path Number is 4
Your purpose in life is to build your vision.
You are practical and responsible. You work hard, knowing that there are no shortcuts in life.
You work for a better life for yourself and those you love, but you are not an idealist.
Trustworthy and honest, you also demonstrate great courage. People can count on you.
In love, you are a loyal and committed partner. You are the ideal spouse.
You don't give up easily, and sometimes you can be too stubborn and unwilling to change.
You also can be too conservative at times. You sometime miss out on good opportunities.
Also remember that not everyone can work as hard as you, as disappointing as that is!
What Is Your Life Path Number?