DanieL profile picture


God is Love and Love is Real

About Me

I am Daniel.
Daniel is my name.
The name is Daniel.
Would you like a glass of Daniel.
How 'bout a freshly baked slice of Daniel.
Too bad you came in late, cause we had some Daniel.
Alrighty, Anyways i'm Daniel and i'm a Messianic jew.
Messianic, for those who really dont know,
means that we're jews who believe
that Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus) was and is the Messiah.
A little about me. I'm an artist,
I've always loved surfing and skateboarding,
love going to concerts,
love playing guitar (or messing around with other instruments),
comedy is a neccessity in life...
...i probably spelled that wrong, but who cares.
I'm totally against big ego's and drugs. So that pretty much sums it up for now.
You can I.M. me at skazillashmack anytime if you like! The odds are i'll be sittin here bored out of my mind anyways. And go ahead and check out ThReaDLesS while your at it.

My Interests

comment here

I'd like to meet:


The muppets......cant touch em'

The Matrix Trilogy

Dumb and Dumber

The Shining

West Side Story

Moulin rouge

The Ring


Kill Bill vol.1+2

Oceans 11+12

Pulp Fiction

The Boondock Saints

The Incredibles

Fight Club

Office Space

Saving Silverman

Catch Me If You Can

The Army of Darkness

Garden State

Lost In Translation



Edward Scissorhands

...And Too many more.


The Bible


YESHUA!!! (AKA Jesus)

Anyone who has ever had to endure the excruciating pain and wrath of the man who has a Salad Shooter for an arm.

Best Friend.

Partner in the Milkshake Heist.

My Blog

More Art!

Yeah so here's some more art that i've done recently. Hope ya'll like it. ...
Posted by DanieL on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 09:47:00 PST

My Art

Here's some of the art i've made this year. Hope ya like it.         ...
Posted by DanieL on Mon, 08 May 2006 01:47:00 PST

Ten Questions about Messianic Identity (including answers)

****Just to inform you...this was writtin by one of my dear friends, Matt Nadler, who is one of the greatest guys i know**** Ten Questions about Messianic Identity that I am just making up off the to...
Posted by DanieL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

AND THEN....JUST LIKE THAT....it hit me...

NO testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you ...
Posted by DanieL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST