Well, I have loads tbh, Mainly, My bass, My music and my motorbikes (My job is included in that, For i am A mechanic you see) ... i also have an interest in hating you all... and that interest will never fucking die... you....are.....all.... CUNTS!!!
*Shrug* I've met too many people already, Although, Beefcake The mighty, Would like to get him to teach me Bass! Oooo and Stevie..... But only Mr.mike brown knows her!! everyone else can go to hell... Coz your all mother fuciking scum to me!!... i wouldn't use you cunts to wipe a pile of shit of my fucking boot.... but... that pile of rotten shit would probably be one of you... and to be fucking honest... who uses shit top wipe of shit?!?!?! .... Stupid cunts
Well, I love all metal, Generally the heavier it gets, the better it gets, But i make exceptions... At the moment, My Favortive Bands Are: GWAR: The Goddamn Motherfucking Scumdogs Of the universe! Nuff Said. Slayer: Just pure carnage And In Flames: Can't go worong with In Flames, Just they very thought of people being set on fire makes me tingle Well... To be completely honest... anyone who feels the need to leave a bad comment about my musical taste can go to hell.... but not before i've cut every single one of your limbs and mutilated your cold dead corpse with a rusty meathook.... *Happy sigh* .... I hate you all :)
Depends on my mood Tbh, Horrors really, Even Tho they dont scare anyone anymore its funny to watch people dying..... There is something wrong with me.. and like i keep saying, keep your fucking mouths shut unless u wanna agree with what i say, You goddamn mother fucking bastard cunts!! I hate you all with a passion!!
Yes..... Television.... One of the many things that beans created.... Bean..... yes.... what fucking legends..... I hate beans... But not nearly as much as i hate you!! CUNT
Books?....., Reading? .... I've Heard of this thing you call "Words" Before.... Haha, Naw the only books i've ever Read are the "Saga of the seven suns" Saga. Absolutley brillaint.... If you don't like is of have never read it then you can suck on my cock....
This has nothing to do with heroes.... But i just want to say.... i may be a cunt.... but i do have another side... a side people feel they can be around.... i AM a cunt, a cock and many other bad things... but im sensative, romantic... and protective.... if i like u, and trust u, chances are, id be willing to die for u... simple..Just had to type this while im feeling crappy