videogames __HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU! ya big silly!.. width="425" height="350" ..
videogame soundtracks....techno......Slipknot....OOOOOH!!! my favorit band is yup, u guessed it... N.E.R.D.!! oh, shut up. u didnt guess. loser
TRON!!! ...just kidding:) Jurassic park, Evil Dead 1,2, and 3, {the man with the silver shades...David and goliath....vietnam X....and the boy next door}-all movies i made and ofcourse BLADE.. width="425" height="350" ..
INVADER ZIM!!!!! (i got the whole series on dvd)
ASH From Evil Dead.... hes BAD ASS.... like sonic..yeah...RAWR!!!!