♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season profile picture

♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season


About Me

Ok... I am officially the mother of a teenager!! Ahhhh, how did the time go by so quickly??? He is an althlete... he plays hockey and lacrosse.. YES~ I am one of those crazy hockey moms screaming in the stands! (and lacrosse too)
I ♥ Chris! I ♥ Chris! I ♥ Chris! I ♥ Chris!
My boyfriend, Chris and I have been together for over 6 years now. He is a great guy and John thinks so too. We love to go watch sporting events together - Red Sox & Bruins for me... Although he gets a little annoyed that I have so many sports crushes! ♥ GABE THE BABE and ♥ NOMAR to be more specific.
My friends are the best - I have a great group of close girls... you know who you are - you crazy ladiesss!!! We always have a BLAAST! sometimes a little too much fun! I know they are always going to be there for me no matter what life brings. I love you guys!!
I am an American Sign Language interpreter at an elementary school in Lowell. I love my job!! The kids are awesome - I love them to death! and the hours are great! Summer & vacations ROCK!!!
I am a crazy ARIES... I truly believe in Astrology and all that spiritual stuff. The spirit world fascinates me... I wish my mind was open enough to be able to communicate with them myself. I think that is the most amazing ability.
I am half Irish (double fisted drinker) and half French. I'm a blue eyed brunette - I love to dye my hair different shades of brown - I will NEVER go blonde!! I chop off 10 inches of my hair every few years to donate to Locks for Love. Chopped it off... and its already growing back.
You Are a Dirty Martini
You are a sexy, sometimes belligerent, over the top drunk.
You tend to get in a lot of trouble. When you drink, there are no rules.
You should never: Drink in the company of strangers. Seriously.
Your ideal party: Is so good you black out in the middle of it.
Your drinking soulmates: Those with a Margarita Martini personality.
Your drinking rivals: Those with an Orange Martini personality What Flavor Martini Are You?

Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!

My Interests

papelbon doin a jig
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"There's no way I can go play for the Yankees, but I know they're going to come after me hard. It's definitely not the most important thing to go out there for the top dollar, which the Yankees are going to offer me. It's just not what I need." - YEAH RIGHT!!!! f'ing traitor!!
I love to watch the Red Sox... especially when they are kicking YANKEE ASS!!!
Can't wait for the season to open... going to see them on the road in TAMPA this summer! Yipppeeee!!!
The Bruins are my winter team. I just wish the B's would keep some of my favorite players for more than 1 season!
I love to go shopping and take weekend trips. (especially to a Sox game!) NYC is a ball and there is always tons to do there. A girl can never have too many pairs of shoes!!

this quiz was wicked funny!! you gotta try it...

What American accent do you have? Your Result: Boston You definitely have a Boston accent, even if you think you don't. Of course, that doesn't mean you are from the Boston area, you may also be from New Hampshire or Maine.

The West
The Midland
North Central
The Northeast
The Inland North
The South
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

I'd like to meet:

I have been lucky enuff to meet lots of people - Gabe "the Babe" Kapler, lots of Boston Bruins, EMINEM, B~Real (Cypress Hill) all the guys from House of Pain, and back in the day some of the New Kids (I know that really shows my age!)
I would LOVE to meet - Nomah... I miss him in Boston!

I would also love to meet the rest of the Red Sox... although I did meet Mo Vaughn at a club once and I had no idea who he was - he bought me some drinks and I was totally clueless - that was before I was a RED SOX junkie!


This is a very powerful video... DEAF PEOPLE CAN DO ANYTHING!

OK so OLD SKOOL is my favorite.... but I listen to everything - from Elton John to Eminem. Cypress Hill and Aerosmith will always be my favorites though. Lately I am into Nelly Furtado and Fergie too. I even listen to Oldies like Elvis and the Beach Boys. My IPOD is so full of different stuff I really can never get bored.


OK.. so I am a little addicted to watching movies online - Juno, The Bucket List, Fool's Gold to name a few.
The Freedom Writers was a great movie. It really hit close to home because it is about a teacher in an urban school trying to get through to minority kids living tough lives. Really good movie and it is based on a real story.
I love Chick Flicks!! I seem to watch a lot of family comedies lately - my son is a HUGE Adam Sandler fan!!
I would have to say my FAVORITE movie is "Armageddon" - I always cry when Bruce Willis pushes Ben Affleck back and takes the button.

I love "Good Will Hunting" and "Big Daddy" too.


My new fave is Gossip Girl. I have watched all 13 episodes (online of course) and I love it!! I had read one of the books a while ago. Good stuff!
I am a Law & Order junkie!! I watch it almost every day on five different channels!

I also have just discovered a new fascination with Little People, Big World. Amy Roloff is my idol! She kicks @$$

Dancing with the StaRs and other shows like that are cool too - but I am not really an American Idol fan... I did love that show that was .. ---"temptation island" I always rooted for the bad girls to steal away the boys... I know its so wrong but it makes for good tv.


The 7th Harry Potter book took me longer to get through than I thought but after 3 1/2 days (of not much more than reading) I finished it! WOW!! good book... hard to deal with at some points but so worth it. If you are at all into the series - READ IT!!

Just read "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom... it is a must read!! Also his other book - Tuesdays With Morrie - great book... a bit of a tear jerker at the end.

I am getting into the Janet Evanovich "Plum" series books now. They are HYSTERICAL!!!!

Just finished reading The Memory Keepers Daughter and it is a great story. A real tear jerker but a real glimpse into someones reality.


I really have no specific heroes, I think there are lots of people that I admire and think are heroes in their own way, for their own reasons. Depends on the day.
SURVIVORS are definitely heroes!

My Blog

winter sucks!!!

OK... so I am so sick of the winter! Although being on vacation isnt all bad I guess.  I have the week off and it was 60' the other day so I guess it could be worse.  I am so excited for the...
Posted by ♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 08:29:00 PST

end of summer

Well the end of summer is here.... I go back to work on Monday! After a very long and busy summer I am ready to see "my kids" again. I actually have missed them quite a bit as I am very attached to ...
Posted by ♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 06:35:00 PST

franklin park

went to the franklin park zoo today... they have done alot of work on it since i was a kid... it might be smack in the middle of the ghetto but you would never know it once u are inside the zoo... it ...
Posted by ♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 08:29:00 PST

my cousin's cool wedding

I went to my cousin's wedding this weekend. He and his girlfriend are - well let's just say - eccentric. He has always been very cool and different ... so when he said he was getting married I knew ...
Posted by ♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:39:00 PST

the day????

OK... so this is bad... I am out shopping today with John and he asks me (at the checkout) "What day is it?" and I say "ummmmm --- Is it Tuesday? uhhhhh... Crap I dont know what day it is!" then the c...
Posted by ♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 08:13:00 PST


vacation is nearing the end.... this one anyways... John finished Space Camp today.  While he was at camp I managed to do alot of shopping - they have great malls down here... and I got a manicur...
Posted by ♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 06:06:00 PST

summer is almost here....

school is almost out... my son is almost a teenager... ahhhhhhhh... I really can't believe I am almost the mother of a teenager!!! Good God!! how did that happen??? time flies!! I am so ready for su...
Posted by ♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 05:25:00 PST

John at my cousins wedding...

ok... so I take John to my cousin's wedding and he was hitting on the maid of honor - who was soooo cute- and she was totally egging him on... he was buying her drinks and dancing with her all night! ...
Posted by ♥ Amy ♥ ~anxious 4 BASEBALL season on Sun, 20 May 2007 09:49:00 PST