Horses, Jet Setting anywhere in the world, my man and my dog!!!!!
***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Carli
Age: 25
Month of birth: May
Any Siblings?: one of each!
Parents still married?: No
Occupation: Typist
Do you like your job?: its ok
Any pets?: two horses, one dog and a cat
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: green
Shoe size: 4
Any Tattoos?: 3
Any Piercings?: 13
Current mood: very tired!
Current wardobe choice: warm clothes for winter
What are you listening to?: scott on the phone
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: Dan
What do you currently smell like?: Escada's Pacific Paradise
Movie you watched: League of their own
Magazine you looked at: New
Thing you ate: Biscuit
Book you read: Jade Goody's Autobiography
T.v. show you watched: Some football program
Time you cried: yesterday
Took a shower: this morning
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): cant remember
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): last night
CD you bought: Justin Timberlakes
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: not a lot as its still morning!
Your most prized possession: Daniel
Your first vehicle: Fiesta
Your current vehicle: Golf
Your favorite quote: fvck about!
You bedtime (on average): 10.30 ish
Your best trait/characteristic: my bum
Your worst trait/characteristic: my nose
Do You....
Store things under your bed: yes
Daydream: yes
Have a computer at home: yes
Live in the city, suburbs or country: suburbs
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: House
Own a cell phone: yes
Have a good luck charm: not really
Collect anything: autobiographys
Attend high school or college: high school
Make good grades: kinda
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: no
Had teeth pulled?: yes
Broke the law intentionally: yes
Ran away from home?: yes
Broke a bone?: yes
Cheated on a test/exam: yes
Had a friend pass away: yes
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: yes
Been in an auto accident: yes
Lied to someone: yes
Been lied to: yes
Your Favorite....
Place to be: chilling round a pool in the sun
Place to visit: South Africa
Place to chill: home
Non-Alcoholic drink: tea
Alcoholic drink: brandy and coke
Type of food: thai
Meal/Food dish: massaman curry
Dessert: banoffe pie
Shampoo & Conditioner: L'oreal Elvive
Toothpaste: Colgate
Salad dressing: French
Ice cream: Vanilla
Fast food establishment: Kentucky
Color: Green
Season: Autum
Holiday: South Africa
Perfume/Cologne: Escada's Pacific Paradise
Video Game: Pro Evo
T.V. show: Lost
Smells: Puppies and Roasts
Article of clothing: Jeans
Book: Jemima J by Jane Green
Children's Book: The Twits
Candy: Galaxy Caramel
Car: X5
Do You Believe....
In Karma: yes
In God: i believe theres something!
In Heaven & Hell: same as above
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): yes
That ghosts exist: yes
In horoscopes: kinda
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): yes
In yourself: yes
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: dunno
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: no
On homosexuals in the military: sexuality doesnt make them a bad solider
The war in the Middle East: call it quits
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: terminator
Current gas/fuel prices: outrageous
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All sorts really, but i like shaking my ass to hip hop and RnB!
Too many i like to list!
At the mo its Lost!!!
Any Autobiography or anything by Jane Green
Dont really have any!