A je to tady! Jdem s kůžà na "odborný trh" a zdá se, že dobrý! 8/10 děkujeme!
Recenze musicserver.cz LuboÅ¡ KreÄ
The Slots
Téhle jsme moc neporozumÄ›li, ale v podstatÄ› se nám lÃbà moc :)
Recenze muzikus.cz Lukáš JaniÄÃk
The Slots
At the beginning of 2008, several (5) friends [Eric; Paja; Gerry; Dave; Belda] established the special kind of „friendship“ band. All the experiences, thoughts, ideas around this „BandFamily“ The Slots and around their friends from the year 2008 are recorded at the „book“ Plastic Culture [ecophilosophy and „family“ stories]
Natocili jsme desku plnou energie s prirozeným zvukem, která tepe. Zmenou oproti debutu je
ucelenost. Deska Plastic Culture vznikala podstatne kratšà dobu než jejà predchudkyne, takže se
nám podarilo zachytit vÅ¡echny energie „cerstvé“. Shrnuli jsme rok spolecného života a
výsledkem je kniha, sbÃrka momentu, které bude moci posluchac “cÃst“ od zacátku do konce.
Pevne verÃme, že na ni bude stále co objevovat.
The Slots
In Dates
Songrwriter Eric Stevenson and Drummer of punk legend „HDP“ Paja Kanak established band with their schoolfriends; later called Slot & Shade. Before their first show, they released „demo“ called „Promo“ including 13 songs [To Comprehend; Michelle; Hey Man; Stop Heal the World; Children; Jesus; Get away; For You; Never changes; Beautiful Castle; Just a Little Smile Inside; I Would Be; Stole the Sing].
Slot & Shade played as support The Frames at Archa Theather Sceane and started to preparing debut album in group with Tomas Vondracek and Stepan Drabek. As clarinettist and saxophone player was acting well-known dramaturg Petr Kolecko.
release at Championship Records album called „BabyBox“ including 13 best songs from 2001 till 2006 and 2 remixes [Hopeless; Minea; Fate; Hey Man; Revolution; To Comprehend; 2Ways; So You Think?; Life Is Real; Stop; Jesus; Sorry Hands; Future; rmx Sorry Hands by Kubatko; rmx Minea by Juanita Juarez aka Brooklyn]. With new album became an old-new name The Slots, becouse people around called them just only „The Slotsâ€. BabyBox was produced by Ales Zenkl [elements studio], recorded at Citron studio in Ostrava and Elements studio in Prague and mixed by Samo. Rmx Minea won the Filter award for the best rmx in this year and 1015 promotion [www.1015.cz] started to manage this band.
After several shows, co-operations with promotion started to be without any concept and band had split into two groups at the end of this year. So Eric and Paja stayed again at the begining, but with experiences. So finding a new members, based on friendship and emotions.
At the beginning of 2008, several (5) friends [Eric; Paja; Gerry; Dave; Belda] established the special kind of „friendship“ band. All the experiences, thoughts, ideas around this „BandFamily“ The Slots and around their friends from the year 2008 are recorded at the „book“ Plastic Culture [ecophilosophy and „family“ stories] including 11 brent new songs [Expectations; Nobody Knows; Evaporated; Depends On You; Leaving; Through Wall; Morning Is Changin’ Last Nite; Plastic End; Alfie; Life & Lies; When the Lord is Insane]. Second album Plastic Culture was recorded live on analog [oldschool tapes] at Studio V. in Zlin and mixed by Mikes and Petr Vavrik. At the end of the year 2008, Plastic Culter was mastered in New York City Master Studio. 24/12 played accoustic show with Tensing choir at homeclub RockCafe beginning at 12pm.
Plastic culture is released as “limited tour edition†and The Slots had a first serious Tour called “Plastic Culture Tour†including a several shows abroad.