all types of fun stuffmainly ocean based but anything outside. with a book or something at night.
it varies pretty often but here's a bunch of favs: TV on the radio, Black Uhuru, Steel Pulse, Teddybears, DNTEL, John Coltrane, Gilles Peterson mixes, Mos Def, Talib, MF DOOM, Peter Bjorn and John, and so forth. as you can see it's a pretty eclectic mix. ALL MUSIC HAS IT'S TIME AND MOOD.
fight club, donnie darko, the rockers, the warriors, kevin smith flix, clockwork orange, blow, boogie knights, anything with john cusack, north shore, dumb and dumber, dazed and confused, fu-manchu flix, spy kids, this list could go on for a really long time so lets just say i like movies.
Nip Tuck, Rescue Me, SUnny in Philly, Boardstories, Adult Swim, a lot of stand up comedy.
anything from Chuck Palihnuk, Paul Theroux, Way Of The Peacfull Warrior, i read a lot.
The guys I get to work with and anyone thats had to put up with my shit. thank you all (and i know there's a lot of you).