Einstein, Darwin, Dr. Ruth, Gandhi, Santa Claus, Confucius...
It's a secret...
The Goonies, Sixteen Candles, The breakfast Club, the classic Freddy Kruger, Jason, and Halloween Movies. I have always had a pathetically huge place in my heart for Pretty Woman :) Miss Congeniality, Friday, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, Harry Potter, Superstar, Rent
Jepardy, Will and Grace, The L Word, just about anything on The Discovery channel, Alton on the Food Network, Spounge Bob, Friends, Full House, CNN, Scooby Doo...
The Four Agreements,The Catcher in the Rye, The Shining, The Da Vinci Code, Calvin and Hobbs, The Summer Sisters, Tuesdays With Morrie, The Five People you Meet in Heaven, The Dictionary, What Einstein Told His Barber, Marquis De Sade...
Einstein, Darwin, Webster (the dictionary guy, not the lil guy), My mommy, teachers, who ever invented bikinis :)...