Care For Cows (Vrindavan, India)
Food For Life - Globalwww.Krishna.comThe songs of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Narottam Das Thakura, Vindavan Mellows, Bengali Style Kirtan, Agnideva (old and new) ... Of course, the list goes on!
bad - don't do it!!!
I like books that change the way you see the world around you
(Lately ...)
* Anything by Thich Nhat Hanh (Miracle of Mindfulness, Living Buddha-Living Christ, etc)
* The Impact of Awakening, by Adyashanti
* Bhagavad Gita
* Caitanya Bhagavat & Caritamrita
* Preyo Bhakti Rasarnava
* Aisvarya Kadambini
* Embankment of Separation
* Jaiva-Dharma
* Sri Brihad-Bhagavatamrita
* Sri Sat-sandarbha
Also anything by Eliot Coleman for knowledge on Organic Small-Farming, and Scott Adams (yes, the "Dilbert" guy). If you must work in an office, READ HIS BOOKS, and "God's Debris" was great too, (I read it while I was "working"). Go to to download the PDF, (best read on company time).
My Mom (for setting me in motion), Sri Guru and the Vaishnavas (for tolerating me all these years), Thich Nhat Hanh (for always being there), Paramahamsa Yogananda (for initial guidence), and Adyashanti (for setting me free)