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Go BaCk To YoUr HoMe On WhOrE iSlAnd... YoU PirAte HoOkEr...

About Me

~*~*~ Beach kids always feel no pain, and when they do a case of Corona can always cure that. They move with the tide, and always have "no worries". Beach kids in the OC have always known that life is just one party at their hands!!!" ~*~*~
Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out.... but to see who cares enough to break them down.
AnOtHer NiGht in NYC...
Fresno with my favorite Nor Cal girls
At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, all we really want is to be close to somebody. So this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, it's usually a load of bull. So we pick and choose who we want to remain close to, and once we've chosen those people, we tend to stick close by. No matter how much we hurt them. The people that are still with you at the end of the day, those are the ones worth keeping. And sure, sometimes close can be too close. But sometimes, that invasion of personal space, it can be exactly what you need. -greys anatomy
There's a girl in New York City, skylines no longer pretty..bound for destination anywhere.. She grew up in California, big dreams they tend to own you there..
***YoU nEvEr ExPeCt LiFe To ThRoW yOu So FaR oFf PlAn, ThAt YoU tUrN aRoUnD aNd EvErYtHiNg YoU eVeR wAnTeD iS gOnE. tHeN, tHeRe Is NoThInG tO lOsE. So YoU mAkE yOuR dEcIsIoN tO tAkE a RiSk On SoMeThInG yOu DiDn'T eVeN kNoW wAs ThErE. yOu CaN't HeLp BuT gO fOr It. StOp WoRrYiNg WhAt EvErYoNe ThInKs Of YoU. iT dOeSn'T mAtTeR, fOrGeT tHeM. sTaY tRuE tO yOuRsElF. yOu CaN't HeLp WhO yOu LoVe. So, JuSt OpEn YoUr HeArT aNd LiStEn, AnD lEt LiFe TaKe YoU wHeReVeR iT wAnTs To Go.***
Spring Break '06 in Orlando
"Life is like surfing. Sometimes we all get tied up on looking & waiting for that perfect wave to come along. While doing this, we forget that surfing is not about finding that awesome wave, it's about enjoying the moment, loving what you're doing, going with the flow & making the best of what's been given to you."
"I wAnT tO sMiLe As YoU sMiLe AnD gIgGlE wItH yOu At NoThInG aT aLl. I wAnT tO bE yOuR lOvEr AnD fInD tHe PaSsIoNs ThAt MoVe YoU tO aCtIoNs. I wAnT tO tHe SuTtNeSs ThAt InDuCeS yOu To TrUsT. I wAnT tO bE tHe NaUgHtY tHaT mAkEs YoU cOmE bAcK fOr MoRe I wAnT tO pLeAsE yOu. I wAnT tO sHaRe YoUr BrEaKfAsT aNd YoUr DiNnEr, I wAnT yOu In ThE sHoWeR aNd In YoUr BeD aNd WiTh SofT StEpS tO bRiNg YoU cOFfEe. YoUr StRoNg ArMs, YoUr KeY tO yOuR pOwEr AnD tHrUsT, yOuR LiPs oF pLeAsE, tHEy ArE tHe fUeL oF mY DeSiRe. No It Is NoT a SeCrEt, My LoVe AnD tO pUt iT vErY sImPle, I WaNt YoU."
The Crane!!!
ThE oNe AnD oNlY ... :)
DaRa's BiG 21 B-DaY PaRtY!!!
Ha ha.... thats my freshmen!!!
Fordham University
Kissimmee, Florida '06
Aww... freshmen yr. **~ Good Times ~**
LiFe Is NoT mEaSuReD bY tHe NuMbEr Of BrEaThS wE tAkE bUt By ThE mOmEnTs ThAt TaKe OuR bReAtH aWaY....
New Year's '06 in Vegas
Wow.. That thing was ginormous!!!! But Mmmm.... did it taste good
I love you guyz!!!!! ~*~ You know who you are....~*~
"Turns out not where but who you're with that really matters"

My Interests

Surfing... I love the beach! O.C. BaBy!!!!!!!!! I play softball ( Yea.... thats right i love to get DiRtY )...... Going to Bear Mountain.. boarding it up and flying by the guyz..;)...I love to party with my friends.... Havasu with the girls :).....I am definately an AdReNaLiNe junkie.....I love to meet new and interesting people...... Like I said.... i'm down for anything, teehee!!!!!

I love the way you stand in my way You won't move 'til you get a kiss and how you tell me that my name tastes so sweet on your lips I love the way you hold me with your eyes Hold me so tight that i can't move It's like everything i've ever known is a lie and you're the simple truth

Homecoming Part 2!!!

~*~*~ WhAt I wOuLdN't GiVe To SuRf FrOm DaWn TiLl DuSk EvErYdAy!!! To SeE tHe SuN rIsE aNd SeT... To GeT oUt Of ThE wAtEr ExHaUsTeD aNd SpEnT, kNoWiNg ThAt I GaVe JuLie EvEryThInG I hAd To BeAt HeR oN AlMoSt EvEry WaVe ThAt DaY... Ha Ha YoU kNoW I lOvE YoU mY lIl' SuRfEr BuDdY!!! ;) To BeAt OuT EvErY ChIcK tHaT AtTeMpTs To SuRf By Us ( YoU KnOw WhAt I'm TaLkIng BoUt JeWeLz )... AnD sHoW tHe DuDeS wHaT wE aRe MaDe Of!! ThE rUsH yOu GeT aS yOu TakE ofF aNd DrOp DoWn On A wAvE... SoOn EnOuGht SwEeThEaRt TiLl We ArE bAcK iN tHe WaTeR aS tHe DyNaMiC DuO aGaIn... SoOn EnOuGhT!!! ~*~*~

We take pounding after pounding...
We suffer from terminal sunburn...
We go out no matter how big it is...
We get nailed by reefs...
We swim with sharks...
We wear skin tight rubber...
We dish out hard earned money for new boards...
We get labeled...
We wait (skate) out flat spells...
We endure menial jobs to pay for trips...
We have epic wipeouts...
We get serious rashes...
We go out when the wind is howling and the rain feels like bullets...
And we dream of better days. . .
Why do we do all this?

Because our passion to ride the surf drives us to.

YoU GoT tO PaDdLe YoUr LiTtLe HeArT oUt ... YoU cAn'T hEsiTaTe ... YoU cAn'T pUlL bAcK ... yOu CaN't HoLd BaCk, CaUsE iF yOu HoLd BaCk FoR a SeCoNd ... YoUr GoInG tO eAt ShIt!!!

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be thereto serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never realize your potential, strength, will power or heart.

*~*~* HoMe SwEeT hOmE *~*~*

I'd like to meet:

"A Lily means... I dare you to love me"

I'm doWn to meEt any0ne.... but really i'm l00king for someone who cAn make me lAUgh, and who is always DoWN for jokes. Who can take my breath AWay.... and that keeps me on t0es! KnowS where they are going in life, has goals..... I know where I want to be and I don't nEEd anyone holding Me down! TaLL... well has to be taller than me, I loVE it when a GUY can just throw ME arOUND likE i'M a LiTTle rag DoLL, And that iS alWAys wiLLing to give Me a piggY back rIde when ever I get Tried.... needs a GREAT SMILE!!!!, and eyes (bright) that I can just l00k into all night long.... Some0ne wh0 can act just as dumb as any of my friends.. and I! G0es with the flow of things... Acts themself from the sec. I mEet theM, No bUlLshiT!!! I haTe tHe draMA... So LeaVe iT FOR your mamA!!!! LoVe it when Guys Don't giVE a SHit of what PEOple think, Can weaR AnyThing, And PLAY it off Like There HOT! ConFidece wITH alittle C0ckiness! Open-minded. Can stand out of a crowd! SpOntaneous..... Indepenent..... LOVE to cuddle... I could spend the rest of my life with someone who can cuddle all night long.....

Aww.. i love gummy bears


DuMb AnD dUmBeR, vAn WiLdEr, ReSeRvOiR dOgS, oLd ScHoOl.... YOU KNOW IT!!! NiGhT aT tHe RoXbUrY... anything with a good for time!!!


Val Refsnyder.. I hope one day I can achieve to be the person and the nurse she is...

My Blog


10 REASONS YOU SHOULD DATE A SURFER GIRL... 1) We are always wet and nearly naked 2) We are always in great shape cuz we surf year round (thank god for hoods n booties!) 3) if u like hot, tan, brun...
Posted by Vickie on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:21:00 PST

So you think you know me!!!

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? 7. How long...
Posted by Vickie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST